#controller vdf script by mr_goldberg #generates controller config from a vdf import vdf import sys import os keymap_digital = { "button_a": "A", "button_b": "B", "button_x": "X", "button_y": "Y", "dpad_north": "DUP", "dpad_south": "DDOWN", "dpad_east": "DRIGHT", "dpad_west": "DLEFT", "button_escape": "START", "button_menu": "BACK", "left_bumper": "LBUMPER", "right_bumper": "RBUMPER", "button_back_left": "A", "button_back_right": "X", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", } def add_input_bindings(group, bindings, force_binding=None, keymap=keymap_digital): for i in group["inputs"]: for act in group["inputs"][i]: for fp in group["inputs"][i][act]: for bd in group["inputs"][i][act][fp]: for bbd in group["inputs"][i][act][fp][bd]: if bbd == 'binding': x = group["inputs"][i][act][fp][bd].get_all_for(bbd) for ss in x: st = ss.split() if st[0] == 'game_action': if st[2][-1] == ",": action_name = st[2][:-1] else: action_name = st[2][:] if force_binding is None: binding = keymap[i.lower()] else: binding = force_binding if action_name in bindings: if binding not in bindings[action_name]: bindings[action_name].append(binding) else: bindings[action_name] = [binding] return bindings if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("format: {} xbox_controller_config.vdf".format(sys.argv[0])) exit(0) with open(sys.argv[1], 'rb') as f: t = f.read().decode('utf-8') d = vdf.loads(t, mapper=vdf.VDFDict, merge_duplicate_keys=False) controller_mappings = d["controller_mappings"] groups = controller_mappings.get_all_for("group") groups_byid = {} for g in groups: groups_byid[g["id"]] = g actions = controller_mappings.get_all_for("actions") action_list = [] for a in actions: for k in a: action_list.append(k) presets = controller_mappings.get_all_for("preset") all_bindings = {} for p in presets: name = p["name"] if name not in action_list: continue group_bindings = p["group_source_bindings"] bindings = {} for number in group_bindings: s = group_bindings[number].split() if s[1] != "active": continue #print(s) if s[0] in ["switch", "button_diamond", "dpad"]: group = groups_byid[number] #print(group) bindings = add_input_bindings(group, bindings) if s[0] in ["left_trigger", "right_trigger"]: group = groups_byid[number] if group["mode"] == "trigger": for g in group: if g == "gameactions": #print(group) action_name = group["gameactions"][name] if s[0] == "left_trigger": binding = "LTRIGGER" else: binding = "RTRIGGER" if action_name in bindings: if binding not in bindings[action_name] and (binding + "=trigger") not in bindings[action_name]: bindings[action_name].insert(0, binding) else: bindings[action_name] = [binding + "=trigger"] if g == "inputs": if s[0] == "left_trigger": binding = "DLTRIGGER" else: binding = "DRTRIGGER" bindings = add_input_bindings(group, bindings, binding) else: print("unhandled trigger mode", group["mode"]) if s[0] in ["joystick", "right_joystick", "dpad"]: group = groups_byid[number] if group["mode"] == "joystick_move": for g in group: if g == "gameactions": #print(group) action_name = group["gameactions"][name] if s[0] == "joystick": binding = "LJOY" elif s[0] == "right_joystick": binding = "RJOY" elif s[0] == "dpad": binding = "DPAD" else: print("could not handle", s[0]) if action_name in bindings: if binding not in bindings[action_name] and (binding + "=joystick_move") not in bindings[action_name]: bindings[action_name].insert(0, binding) else: bindings[action_name] = [binding + "=joystick_move"] if g == "inputs": if s[0] == "joystick": binding = "LSTICK" else: binding = "RSTICK" bindings = add_input_bindings(group, bindings, binding) elif group["mode"] == "dpad": if s[0] == "joystick": binding_map = {"dpad_north":"DLJOYUP", "dpad_south": "DLJOYDOWN", "dpad_west": "DLJOYLEFT", "dpad_east": "DLJOYRIGHT"} bindings = add_input_bindings(group, bindings, keymap=binding_map) elif s[0] == "right_joystick": binding_map = {"dpad_north":"DRJOYUP", "dpad_south": "DRJOYDOWN", "dpad_west": "DRJOYLEFT", "dpad_east": "DRJOYRIGHT"} bindings = add_input_bindings(group, bindings, keymap=binding_map) else: if s[0] != "dpad": print("no pad", s[0]) else: print("unhandled joy mode", group["mode"]) all_bindings[name] = bindings #print(controller_mappings["preset"][(0, "group_source_bindings")]) #print(all_bindings) config_directory = sys.argv[1] + "_config/steam_settings" + "/controller/" if not os.path.exists(config_directory): os.makedirs(config_directory) for k in all_bindings: with open(config_directory + k + '.txt', 'w') as f: for b in all_bindings[k]: f.write(b + "=" + ','.join(all_bindings[k][b]) + "\n")