USERNAME = "" PASSWORD = "" #steam ids with public profiles that own a lot of games TOP_OWNER_IDS = [76561198028121353, 76561198001237877, 76561198355625888, 76561198001678750, 76561198237402290] from stats_schema_achievement_gen import achievements_gen from steam.client import SteamClient from steam.client.cdn import CDNClient from steam.enums import common from steam.enums.common import EResult from steam.enums.emsg import EMsg from steam.core.msg import MsgProto import os import sys import json prompt_for_unavailable = True if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("\nUsage: {} appid appid appid etc..\n\nExample: {} 480\n".format(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) exit(1) appids = [] for id in sys.argv[1:]: appids += [int(id)] client = SteamClient() if not os.path.exists("login_temp"): os.makedirs("login_temp") client.set_credential_location("login_temp") if (len(USERNAME) == 0 or len(PASSWORD) == 0): client.cli_login() else: result = client.login(USERNAME, password=PASSWORD) while result in (EResult.AccountLogonDenied, EResult.InvalidLoginAuthCode, EResult.AccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor, EResult.TwoFactorCodeMismatch, EResult.TryAnotherCM, EResult.ServiceUnavailable, EResult.InvalidPassword, ): if result == EResult.InvalidPassword: print("invalid password, the password you set is wrong.") exit(1) elif result in (EResult.AccountLogonDenied, EResult.InvalidLoginAuthCode): prompt = ("Enter email code: " if result == EResult.AccountLogonDenied else "Incorrect code. Enter email code: ") auth_code, two_factor_code = input(prompt), None elif result in (EResult.AccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor, EResult.TwoFactorCodeMismatch): prompt = ("Enter 2FA code: " if result == EResult.AccountLoginDeniedNeedTwoFactor else "Incorrect code. Enter 2FA code: ") auth_code, two_factor_code = None, input(prompt) elif result in (EResult.TryAnotherCM, EResult.ServiceUnavailable): if prompt_for_unavailable and result == EResult.ServiceUnavailable: while True: answer = input("Steam is down. Keep retrying? [y/n]: ").lower() if answer in 'yn': break prompt_for_unavailable = False if answer == 'n': break client.reconnect(maxdelay=15) result = client.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD, None, auth_code, two_factor_code) def get_stats_schema(client, game_id, owner_id): message = MsgProto(EMsg.ClientGetUserStats) message.body.game_id = game_id message.body.schema_local_version = -1 message.body.crc_stats = 0 message.body.steam_id_for_user = owner_id client.send(message) return client.wait_msg(EMsg.ClientGetUserStatsResponse, timeout=5) def generate_achievement_stats(client, game_id, output_directory, backup_directory): steam_id_list = TOP_OWNER_IDS + [client.steam_id] for x in steam_id_list: out = get_stats_schema(client, game_id, x) if out is not None: if len(out.body.schema) > 0: with open(os.path.join(backup_directory, 'UserGameStatsSchema_{}.bin'.format(appid)), 'wb') as f: f.write(out.body.schema) achievements, stats = achievements_gen.generate_stats_achievements(out.body.schema, output_directory) return else: print("no schema", out) for appid in appids: backup_dir = os.path.join("backup","{}".format(appid)) out_dir = os.path.join("{}".format( "{}_output".format(appid)), "steam_settings") if not os.path.exists(backup_dir): os.makedirs(backup_dir) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) print("outputting config to", out_dir) raw = client.get_product_info(apps=[appid]) game_info = raw["apps"][appid] if "common" in game_info: game_info_common = game_info["common"] if "community_visible_stats" in game_info_common: generate_achievement_stats(client, appid, out_dir, backup_dir) with open(os.path.join(out_dir, "steam_appid.txt"), 'w') as f: f.write(str(appid)) if "depots" in game_info: if "branches" in game_info["depots"]: if "public" in game_info["depots"]["branches"]: if "buildid" in game_info["depots"]["branches"]["public"]: buildid = game_info["depots"]["branches"]["public"]["buildid"] with open(os.path.join(out_dir, "build_id.txt"), 'w') as f: f.write(str(buildid)) game_info_backup = json.dumps(game_info, indent=4) with open(os.path.join(backup_dir, "product_info.json"), "w") as f: f.write(game_info_backup)