Nemirtingas 69c6bb5399 Removed dependency to rtlgenrandom for windows because we use
std::random_device, so we remove the random function for linux by the

Updated the get_env_variable for Windows so in the future we don't get
suprises when having env variables with length > 1024 (even if its
extremely rare).
2019-06-14 20:46:51 +02:00

10 lines
655 B

mkdir release\lobby_connect
del /Q release\lobby_connect\*
call build_set_protobuf_directories.bat
%PROTOBUF_X86_DIRECTORY%%PROTOC_DIRECTORY% -I.\dll\ --cpp_out=.\dll\ .\dll\net.proto
call build_env_x86.bat
cl /DNO_DISK_WRITES /DLOBBY_CONNECT /DEMU_RELEASE_BUILD /DNDEBUG /I%PROTOBUF_X86_DIRECTORY%\include\ lobby_connect.cpp dll/*.cpp dll/*.cc %PROTOBUF_X86_DIRECTORY%%PROTOBUF_LIBRARY% Iphlpapi.lib Ws2_32.lib Shell32.lib Comdlg32.lib /EHsc /MP12 /Ox /link /debug:none /OUT:release\lobby_connect\lobby_connect.exe
del /Q /S release\lobby_connect\*.lib
del /Q /S release\lobby_connect\*.exp
copy Readme_lobby_connect.txt release\lobby_connect\Readme.txt