diff --git a/docs/introduction.md b/docs/introduction.md index 740efaf..7268cc4 100644 --- a/docs/introduction.md +++ b/docs/introduction.md @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) is a collection of utilities designed to facil - Generate JSON logs of extracted records, and separate JSON logs of all detected malicious traces. - Generate a unified chronological timeline of extracted records, along with a timeline all detected malicious traces. +MVT is a forensic research tool intended for technologists and investigators. Using it requires understanding the basics of forensic analysis and using command-line tools. MVT is not intended for end-user self-assessment. If you are concerned with the security of your device please seek expert assistance. + ## Consensual Forensics While MVT is capable of extracting and processing various types of very personal records typically found on a mobile phone (such as calls history, SMS and WhatsApp messages, etc.), this is intended to help identify potential attack vectors such as malicious SMS messages leading to exploitation.