# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021-2023 The MVT Authors. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ # Help messages of repeating options. HELP_MSG_OUTPUT = "Specify a path to a folder where you want to store JSON results" HELP_MSG_IOC = "Path to indicators file (can be invoked multiple time)" HELP_MSG_FAST = "Avoid running time/resource consuming features" HELP_MSG_LIST_MODULES = "Print list of available modules and exit" HELP_MSG_MODULE = "Name of a single module you would like to run instead of all" HELP_MSG_NONINTERACTIVE = "Don't ask interactive questions during processing" HELP_MSG_ANDROID_BACKUP_PASSWORD = "The backup password to use for an Android backup" HELP_MSG_HASHES = "Generate hashes of all the files analyzed" HELP_MSG_VERBOSE = "Verbose mode" # Android-specific. HELP_MSG_SERIAL = "Specify a device serial number or HOST:PORT connection string"