# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Claudio Guarnieri. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ import logging from mvt.common.indicators import Indicators from mvt.common.module import run_module from mvt.ios.modules.mixed.net_datausage import Datausage from ..utils import get_ios_backup_folder class TestDatausageModule: def test_datausage(self): m = Datausage(target_path=get_ios_backup_folder()) run_module(m) assert m.results[0]["isodate"][0:19] == "2019-08-27 15:08:09" assert len(m.results) == 42 assert len(m.timeline) == 60 assert len(m.detected) == 0 def test_detection(self, indicator_file): m = Datausage(target_path=get_ios_backup_folder()) ind = Indicators(log=logging.getLogger()) ind.parse_stix2(indicator_file) # Adds a file that exists in the manifest. ind.ioc_collections[0]["processes"].append("CumulativeUsageTracker") m.indicators = ind run_module(m) assert len(m.detected) == 2