# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021 The MVT Project Authors. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ import operator import sqlite3 from pathlib import Path from mvt.common.utils import convert_mactime_to_unix, convert_timestamp_to_iso from .base import IOSExtraction class NetBase(IOSExtraction): """This class provides a base for DataUsage and NetUsage extraction modules.""" def __init__(self, file_path=None, base_folder=None, output_folder=None, fast_mode=False, log=None, results=[]): super().__init__(file_path=file_path, base_folder=base_folder, output_folder=output_folder, fast_mode=fast_mode, log=log, results=results) def _extract_net_data(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.file_path) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT ZPROCESS.ZFIRSTTIMESTAMP, ZPROCESS.ZTIMESTAMP, ZPROCESS.ZPROCNAME, ZPROCESS.ZBUNDLENAME, ZPROCESS.Z_PK, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZWIFIIN, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZWIFIOUT, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZWWANIN, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZWWANOUT, ZLIVEUSAGE.Z_PK, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZHASPROCESS, ZLIVEUSAGE.ZTIMESTAMP FROM ZLIVEUSAGE LEFT JOIN ZPROCESS ON ZLIVEUSAGE.ZHASPROCESS = ZPROCESS.Z_PK; """) for row in cur: # ZPROCESS records can be missing after the JOIN. Handle NULL timestamps. if row[0] and row[1]: first_isodate = convert_timestamp_to_iso(convert_mactime_to_unix(row[0])) isodate = convert_timestamp_to_iso(convert_mactime_to_unix(row[1])) else: first_isodate = row[0] isodate = row[1] if row[11]: live_timestamp = convert_timestamp_to_iso(convert_mactime_to_unix(row[11])) else: live_timestamp = "" self.results.append({ "first_isodate": first_isodate, "isodate": isodate, "proc_name": row[2], "bundle_id": row[3], "proc_id": row[4], "wifi_in": row[5], "wifi_out": row[6], "wwan_in": row[7], "wwan_out": row[8], "live_id": row[9], "live_proc_id": row[10], "live_isodate": live_timestamp, }) cur.close() conn.close() self.log.info("Extracted information on %d processes", len(self.results)) def serialize(self, record): record_data = f"{record['proc_name']} (Bundle ID: {record['bundle_id']}, ID: {record['proc_id']})" record_data_usage = record_data + f" WIFI IN: {record['wifi_in']}, WIFI OUT: {record['wifi_out']} - " \ f"WWAN IN: {record['wwan_in']}, WWAN OUT: {record['wwan_out']}" records = [{ "timestamp": record["live_isodate"], "module": self.__class__.__name__, "event": "live_usage", "data": record_data_usage, }] # Only included first_usage and current_usage records when a ZPROCESS entry exists. if "MANIPULATED" not in record["proc_name"] and "MISSING" not in record["proc_name"]: records.extend([ { "timestamp": record["first_isodate"], "module": self.__class__.__name__, "event": "first_usage", "data": record_data, }, { "timestamp": record["isodate"], "module": self.__class__.__name__, "event": "current_usage", "data": record_data, } ]) return records def _find_suspicious_processes(self): if not self.is_fs_dump: return if not self.results: return # If we are instructed to run fast, we skip this. if self.fast_mode: self.log.info("Flag --fast was enabled: skipping extended search for suspicious processes") return self.log.info("Extended search for suspicious processes ...") files = [] for posix_path in Path(self.base_folder).rglob("*"): try: if not posix_path.is_file(): continue except PermissionError: continue files.append([posix_path.name, posix_path.__str__()]) for proc in self.results: if not proc["bundle_id"]: self.log.debug("Found process with no Bundle ID with name: %s", proc["proc_name"]) binary_path = None for file in files: if proc["proc_name"] == file[0]: binary_path = file[1] break if binary_path: self.log.debug("Located at %s", binary_path) else: msg = f"Could not find the binary associated with the process with name {proc['proc_name']}" if len(proc["proc_name"]) == 16: msg = msg + " (However, the process name might have been truncated in the database)" self.log.warning(msg) def check_manipulated(self): """Check for missing or manipulate DB entries """ # Don't show duplicates for each missing process. missing_process_cache = set() for result in sorted(self.results, key=operator.itemgetter("live_isodate")): if result["proc_id"]: continue # Avoid duplicate warnings for same process. if result["live_proc_id"] not in missing_process_cache: missing_process_cache.add(result["live_proc_id"]) self.log.warning("Found manipulated process entry %s. Entry on %s", result["live_proc_id"], result["live_isodate"]) # Set manipulated proc timestamp so it appears in timeline. result["first_isodate"] = result["isodate"] = result["live_isodate"] result["proc_name"] = "MANIPULATED [process record deleted]" self.detected.append(result) def find_deleted(self): """Identify process which may have been deleted from the DataUsage database""" results_by_proc = {proc["proc_id"]: proc for proc in self.results if proc["proc_id"]} all_proc_id = sorted(results_by_proc.keys()) # Fix issue #108 if not all_proc_id: return missing_procs, last_proc_id = {}, None for proc_id in range(min(all_proc_id), max(all_proc_id)): if proc_id not in all_proc_id: previous_proc = results_by_proc[last_proc_id] self.log.info("Missing process %d. Previous process at \"%s\" (%s)", proc_id, previous_proc["first_isodate"], previous_proc["proc_name"]) missing_procs[proc_id] = { "proc_id": proc_id, "prev_proc_id": last_proc_id, "prev_proc_name": previous_proc["proc_name"], "prev_proc_bundle": previous_proc["bundle_id"], "prev_proc_first": previous_proc["first_isodate"], } else: last_proc_id = proc_id # Add a placeholder entry for the missing processes. for proc_id, proc in missing_procs.items(): # Set default DataUsage keys. result = {key: None for key in self.results[0].keys()} result["first_isodate"] = result["isodate"] = result["live_isodate"] = proc["prev_proc_first"] result["proc_name"] = "MISSING [follows {}]".format(proc["prev_proc_name"]) result["proc_id"] = result["live_proc_id"] = proc["proc_id"] result["bundle_id"] = None self.results.append(result) self.results = sorted(self.results, key=operator.itemgetter("first_isodate")) def check_indicators(self): # Check for manipulated process records. # TODO: Catching KeyError for live_isodate for retro-compatibility. # This is not very good. try: self.check_manipulated() self.find_deleted() except KeyError: pass if not self.indicators: return for result in self.results: try: proc_name = result["proc_name"] except KeyError: continue # Process ID may be empty if process records have been manipulated. if not result["proc_id"]: continue if self.indicators.check_process(proc_name): self.detected.append(result)