# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Claudio Guarnieri. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ import logging import os import sqlite3 from mvt.android.parsers.backup import (AndroidBackupParsingError, parse_tar_for_sms) from mvt.common.module import InsufficientPrivileges from mvt.common.utils import check_for_links, convert_timestamp_to_iso from .base import AndroidExtraction log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SMS_BUGLE_PATH = "data/data/com.google.android.apps.messaging/databases/bugle_db" SMS_BUGLE_QUERY = """ SELECT ppl.normalized_destination AS address, p.timestamp AS timestamp, CASE WHEN m.sender_id IN (SELECT _id FROM participants WHERE contact_id=-1) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END incoming, p.text AS body FROM messages m, conversations c, parts p, participants ppl, conversation_participants cp WHERE (m.conversation_id = c._id) AND (m._id = p.message_id) AND (cp.conversation_id = c._id) AND (cp.participant_id = ppl._id); """ SMS_MMSSMS_PATH = "data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db" SMS_MMSMS_QUERY = """ SELECT address AS address, date_sent AS timestamp, type as incoming, body AS body FROM sms; """ class SMS(AndroidExtraction): """This module extracts all SMS messages containing links.""" def __init__(self, file_path: str = None, target_path: str = None, results_path: str = None, fast_mode: bool = False, log: logging.Logger = None, results: list = []) -> None: super().__init__(file_path=file_path, target_path=target_path, results_path=results_path, fast_mode=fast_mode, log=log, results=results) def serialize(self, record: dict) -> None: body = record["body"].replace("\n", "\\n") return { "timestamp": record["isodate"], "module": self.__class__.__name__, "event": f"sms_{record['direction']}", "data": f"{record['address']}: \"{body}\"" } def check_indicators(self) -> None: if not self.indicators: return for message in self.results: if "body" not in message: continue # FIXME: check links exported from the body previously message_links = check_for_links(message["body"]) if self.indicators.check_domains(message_links): self.detected.append(message) def _parse_db(self, db_path: str) -> None: """Parse an Android bugle_db SMS database file. :param db_path: Path to the Android SMS database file to process """ conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = conn.cursor() if self.SMS_DB_TYPE == 1: cur.execute(SMS_BUGLE_QUERY) elif self.SMS_DB_TYPE == 2: cur.execute(SMS_MMSMS_QUERY) names = [description[0] for description in cur.description] for item in cur: message = {} for index, value in enumerate(item): message[names[index]] = value message["direction"] = ("received" if message["incoming"] == 1 else "sent") message["isodate"] = convert_timestamp_to_iso(message["timestamp"]) # If we find links in the messages or if they are empty we add # them to the list of results. if check_for_links(message["body"]) or message["body"].strip() == "": self.results.append(message) cur.close() conn.close() log.info("Extracted a total of %d SMS messages containing links", len(self.results)) def _extract_sms_adb(self) -> None: """Use the Android backup command to extract SMS data from the native SMS app It is crucial to use the under-documented "-nocompress" flag to disable the non-standard Java compression algorithim. This module only supports an unencrypted ADB backup. """ backup_tar = self._generate_backup("com.android.providers.telephony") if not backup_tar: return try: self.results = parse_tar_for_sms(backup_tar) except AndroidBackupParsingError: self.log.info("Impossible to read SMS from the Android Backup, please extract the SMS and try extracting it with Android Backup Extractor") return log.info("Extracted a total of %d SMS messages containing links", len(self.results)) def run(self) -> None: try: if (self._adb_check_file_exists(os.path.join("/", SMS_BUGLE_PATH))): self.SMS_DB_TYPE = 1 self._adb_process_file(os.path.join("/", SMS_BUGLE_PATH), self._parse_db) elif (self._adb_check_file_exists(os.path.join("/", SMS_MMSSMS_PATH))): self.SMS_DB_TYPE = 2 self._adb_process_file(os.path.join("/", SMS_MMSSMS_PATH), self._parse_db) return except InsufficientPrivileges: pass self.log.warn("No SMS database found. Trying extraction of SMS data using Android backup feature.") self._extract_sms_adb()