# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021 The MVT Project Authors. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ import logging import os import pkg_resources from .base import AndroidExtraction log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Packages(AndroidExtraction): """This module extracts the list of installed packages.""" def __init__(self, file_path=None, base_folder=None, output_folder=None, serial=None, fast_mode=False, log=None, results=[]): super().__init__(file_path=file_path, base_folder=base_folder, output_folder=output_folder, fast_mode=fast_mode, log=log, results=results) def serialize(self, record): records = [] timestamps = [ {"event": "package_install", "timestamp": record["timestamp"]}, {"event": "package_first_install", "timestamp": record["first_install_time"]}, {"event": "package_last_update", "timestamp": record["last_update_time"]}, ] for ts in timestamps: records.append({ "timestamp": ts["timestamp"], "module": self.__class__.__name__, "event": ts["event"], "data": f"{record['package_name']} (system: {record['system']}, third party: {record['third_party']})", }) return records def check_indicators(self): root_packages_path = os.path.join("..", "..", "data", "root_packages.txt") root_packages_string = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, root_packages_path) root_packages = root_packages_string.decode("utf-8").split("\n") for root_package in root_packages: root_package = root_package.strip() if not root_package: continue if root_package in self.results: self.log.warning("Found an installed package related to rooting/jailbreaking: \"%s\"", root_package) self.detected.append(root_package) def run(self): self._adb_connect() packages = self._adb_command("pm list packages -U -u -i -f") for line in packages.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("package:"): continue fields = line.split() file_name, package_name = fields[0].split(":")[1].rsplit("=", 1) installer = fields[1].split("=")[1].strip() if installer == "null": installer = None uid = fields[2].split(":")[1].strip() dumpsys = self._adb_command(f"dumpsys package {package_name} | grep -A2 timeStamp").split("\n") timestamp = dumpsys[0].split("=")[1].strip() first_install = dumpsys[1].split("=")[1].strip() last_update = dumpsys[2].split("=")[1].strip() self.results.append(dict( package_name=package_name, file_name=file_name, installer=installer, timestamp=timestamp, first_install_time=first_install, last_update_time=last_update, uid=uid, disabled=False, system=False, third_party=False, )) cmds = [ {"field": "disabled", "arg": "-d"}, {"field": "system", "arg": "-s"}, {"field": "third_party", "arg": "-3"}, ] for cmd in cmds: output = self._adb_command(f"pm list packages {cmd['arg']}") for line in output.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("package:"): continue package_name = line.split(":", 1)[1] for i, result in enumerate(self.results): if result["package_name"] == package_name: self.results[i][cmd["field"]] = True self.log.info("Extracted at total of %d installed package names", len(self.results)) self._adb_disconnect()