# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021 The MVT Project Authors. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ from .calls import Calls from .chrome_favicon import ChromeFavicon from .chrome_history import ChromeHistory from .contacts import Contacts from .firefox_favicon import FirefoxFavicon from .firefox_history import FirefoxHistory from .idstatuscache import IDStatusCache from .interactionc import InteractionC from .locationd import LocationdClients from .net_datausage import Datausage from .osanalytics_addaily import OSAnalyticsADDaily from .safari_browserstate import SafariBrowserState from .safari_history import SafariHistory from .sms import SMS from .sms_attachments import SMSAttachments from .tcc import TCC from .webkit_resource_load_statistics import WebkitResourceLoadStatistics from .webkit_session_resource_log import WebkitSessionResourceLog from .whatsapp import Whatsapp MIXED_MODULES = [Calls, ChromeFavicon, ChromeHistory, Contacts, FirefoxFavicon, FirefoxHistory, IDStatusCache, InteractionC, LocationdClients, OSAnalyticsADDaily, Datausage, SafariBrowserState, SafariHistory, TCC, SMS, SMSAttachments, WebkitResourceLoadStatistics, WebkitSessionResourceLog, Whatsapp,]