# Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) # Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Claudio Guarnieri. # Use of this software is governed by the MVT License 1.1 that can be found at # https://license.mvt.re/1.1/ import datetime import io import json import tarfile import zlib from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, padding from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC from mvt.common.utils import check_for_links, convert_timestamp_to_iso PBKDF2_KEY_SIZE = 32 class AndroidBackupParsingError(Exception): """Exception raised file parsing an android backup file""" class AndroidBackupNotImplemented(AndroidBackupParsingError): pass class InvalidBackupPassword(AndroidBackupParsingError): pass def to_utf8_bytes(input_bytes): output = [] for byte in input_bytes: if byte < ord(b'\x80'): output.append(byte) else: output.append(ord('\xef') | (byte >> 12)) output.append(ord('\xbc') | ((byte >> 6) & ord('\x3f'))) output.append(ord('\x80') | (byte & ord('\x3f'))) return bytes(output) def parse_ab_header(data): """ Parse the header of an Android Backup file Returns a dict {'backup': True, 'compression': False, 'encryption': "none", 'version': 4} """ if data.startswith(b"ANDROID BACKUP"): [magic_header, version, is_compressed, encryption, tar_data] = data.split(b"\n", 4) return { "backup": True, "compression": (is_compressed == b"1"), "version": int(version), "encryption": encryption.decode("utf-8") } return { "backup": False, "compression": None, "version": None, "encryption": None } def decrypt_master_key(password, user_salt, user_iv, pbkdf2_rounds, master_key_blob, format_version, checksum_salt): """Generate AES key from user password uisng PBKDF2 The backup master key is extracted from the master key blog after decryption. """ # Derive key from password using PBKDF2. kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), length=32, salt=user_salt, iterations=pbkdf2_rounds) key = kdf.derive(password.encode("utf-8")) # Decrypt master key blob. cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(user_iv)) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() try: decryted_master_key_blob = decryptor.update(master_key_blob) + decryptor.finalize() # Extract key and IV from decrypted blob. key_blob = io.BytesIO(decryted_master_key_blob) master_iv_length = ord(key_blob.read(1)) master_iv = key_blob.read(master_iv_length) master_key_length = ord(key_blob.read(1)) master_key = key_blob.read(master_key_length) master_key_checksum_length = ord(key_blob.read(1)) master_key_checksum = key_blob.read(master_key_checksum_length) except TypeError: raise InvalidBackupPassword() # Handle quirky encoding of master key bytes in Android original Java crypto code. if format_version > 1: hmac_mk = to_utf8_bytes(master_key) else: hmac_mk = master_key # Derive checksum to confirm successful backup decryption. kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), length=32, salt=checksum_salt, iterations=pbkdf2_rounds) calculated_checksum = kdf.derive(hmac_mk) if master_key_checksum != calculated_checksum: raise InvalidBackupPassword() return master_key, master_iv def decrypt_backup_data(encrypted_backup, password, encryption_algo, format_version): """ Generate encryption keyffrom password and do decryption """ if encryption_algo != b"AES-256": raise AndroidBackupNotImplemented("Encryption Algorithm not implemented") if password is None: raise InvalidBackupPassword() [user_salt, checksum_salt, pbkdf2_rounds, user_iv, master_key_blob, encrypted_data] = encrypted_backup.split(b"\n", 5) user_salt = bytes.fromhex(user_salt.decode("utf-8")) checksum_salt = bytes.fromhex(checksum_salt.decode("utf-8")) pbkdf2_rounds = int(pbkdf2_rounds) user_iv = bytes.fromhex(user_iv.decode("utf-8")) master_key_blob = bytes.fromhex(master_key_blob.decode("utf-8")) # Derive decryption master key from password. master_key, master_iv = decrypt_master_key(password=password, user_salt=user_salt, user_iv=user_iv, pbkdf2_rounds=pbkdf2_rounds, master_key_blob=master_key_blob, format_version=format_version, checksum_salt=checksum_salt) # Decrypt and unpad backup data using derivied key. cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(master_key), modes.CBC(master_iv)) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() decrypted_tar = decryptor.update(encrypted_data) + decryptor.finalize() unpadder = padding.PKCS7(128).unpadder() return unpadder.update(decrypted_tar) def parse_backup_file(data, password=None): """ Parse an ab file, returns a tar file """ if not data.startswith(b"ANDROID BACKUP"): raise AndroidBackupParsingError("Invalid file header") [magic_header, version, is_compressed, encryption_algo, tar_data] = data.split(b"\n", 4) version = int(version) is_compressed = int(is_compressed) if encryption_algo != b"none": tar_data = decrypt_backup_data(tar_data, password, encryption_algo, format_version=version) if is_compressed: try: tar_data = zlib.decompress(tar_data) except zlib.error: raise AndroidBackupParsingError("Impossible to decompress the backup file") return tar_data def parse_tar_for_sms(data): """ Extract SMS from a tar backup archive Returns an array of SMS """ dbytes = io.BytesIO(data) tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=dbytes) res = [] for member in tar.getmembers(): if member.name.startswith("apps/com.android.providers.telephony/d_f/") and member.name.endswith("_sms_backup"): dhandler = tar.extractfile(member) res.extend(parse_sms_file(dhandler.read())) return res def parse_sms_file(data): """ Parse an SMS file extracted from a folder Returns a list of SMS entries """ res = [] data = zlib.decompress(data) json_data = json.loads(data) for entry in json_data: message_links = check_for_links(entry["body"]) utc_timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(entry["date"]) / 1000) entry["isodate"] = convert_timestamp_to_iso(utc_timestamp) entry["direction"] = ("sent" if int(entry["date_sent"]) else "received") # If we find links in the messages or if they are empty we add them to the list. if message_links or entry["body"].strip() == "": entry["links"] = message_links res.append(entry) return res