#include "common.h" #include #include "soundlist.h" #include "MusicManager.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "ControllerConfig.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Hud.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "Replay.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "Text.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "World.h" #include "sampman.h" cMusicManager MusicManager; int32 gNumRetunePresses; int32 gRetuneCounter; bool bHasStarted; cMusicManager::cMusicManager() { m_bIsInitialised = false; m_bDisabled = false; m_nMusicMode = MUSICMODE_DISABLED; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_bFrontendTrackFinished = false; m_bPlayInFrontend = false; m_bSetNextStation = false; m_nAnnouncement = NO_TRACK; m_bPreviousPlayerInCar = false; m_bPlayerInCar = false; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; m_bDontServiceAmbienceTrack = false; bHasStarted = false; } bool cMusicManager::PlayerInCar() { if(!FindPlayerVehicle()) return false; int32 State = FindPlayerPed()->m_nPedState; if(State == PED_DRAG_FROM_CAR || State == PED_EXIT_CAR || State == PED_ARRESTED) return false; if (!FindPlayerVehicle()) return true; if (FindPlayerVehicle()->GetStatus() == STATUS_WRECKED) return false; switch (FindPlayerVehicle()->GetModelIndex()) { case MI_FIRETRUCK: case MI_AMBULAN: case MI_MRWHOOP: case MI_PREDATOR: case MI_TRAIN: case MI_SPEEDER: case MI_REEFER: case MI_GHOST: return false; default: return true; } } void cMusicManager::DisplayRadioStationName() { int8 pRetune; int8 gStreamedSound; int8 gRetuneCounter; static wchar *pCurrentStation = nil; static uint8 cDisplay = 0; if(!CTimer::GetIsPaused() && !TheCamera.m_WideScreenOn && PlayerInCar() && !CReplay::IsPlayingBack()) { if(m_bPlayerInCar && !m_bPreviousPlayerInCar) pCurrentStation = nil; #ifdef RADIO_SCROLL_TO_PREV_STATION if(gNumRetunePresses < 0) { gStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; if(gStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT || gStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT) { gStreamedSound = POLICE_RADIO; // which means OFF } else { if(gStreamedSound > STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER) return; } gRetuneCounter = gNumRetunePresses; pRetune = gStreamedSound; while(gRetuneCounter < 0) { if(pRetune == HEAD_RADIO) { pRetune = RADIO_OFF; } else if(pRetune == RADIO_OFF || pRetune == POLICE_RADIO) { pRetune = SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable() ? USERTRACK : USERTRACK - 1; } else pRetune--; ++gRetuneCounter; } } else #endif if(SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) { gStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; if(gStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT || gStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT) { gStreamedSound = POLICE_RADIO; // which means OFF } else { if(gStreamedSound > STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER) return; } pRetune = gNumRetunePresses + gStreamedSound; if(pRetune == POLICE_RADIO) { pRetune = RADIO_OFF; } else if(pRetune > POLICE_RADIO) { pRetune = pRetune - RADIO_OFF; } } else { gStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; pRetune = gNumRetunePresses + gStreamedSound; if(pRetune >= USERTRACK) { gRetuneCounter = gNumRetunePresses; pRetune = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; if(gStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT) pRetune = RADIO_OFF; while(gRetuneCounter) { if(pRetune == RADIO_OFF) { pRetune = HEAD_RADIO; } else if(pRetune < USERTRACK) { pRetune = pRetune + 1; } if(pRetune == USERTRACK) pRetune = RADIO_OFF; --gRetuneCounter; } } } wchar *string = nil; switch(pRetune) { case HEAD_RADIO: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM0"); break; case DOUBLE_CLEF: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM1"); break; case JAH_RADIO: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM2"); break; case RISE_FM: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM3"); break; case LIPS_106: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM4"); break; case GAME_FM: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM5"); break; case MSX_FM: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM6"); break; case FLASHBACK: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM7"); break; case CHATTERBOX: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM8"); break; case USERTRACK: string = TheText.Get("FEA_FM9"); break; #ifdef RADIO_OFF_TEXT case RADIO_OFF: case POLICE_RADIO: string = TheText.Get("FEM_OFF"); break; #endif default: return; }; #ifdef RADIO_OFF_TEXT if(pRetune == USERTRACK && !SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) { string = TheText.Get("FEM_OFF"); } #else if(pRetune > CHATTERBOX && !SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) { return; } #endif if(string && pCurrentStation != string || m_nCurrentStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER && m_nPreviousStreamedSound != STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER) { pCurrentStation = string; cDisplay = 60; } else { if(cDisplay == 0) return; cDisplay--; } CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(0.8f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(1.35f)); CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetFontStyle(FONT_HEADING); CFont::SetCentreOn(); CFont::SetCentreSize(SCREEN_STRETCH_X(DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH)); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 255)); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + SCREEN_SCALE_X(2.0f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(22.0f) + SCREEN_SCALE_Y(2.0f), pCurrentStation); if(gNumRetunePresses) CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(102, 133, 143, 255)); else CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(147, 196, 211, 255)); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_SCALE_Y(22.0f), pCurrentStation); CFont::DrawFonts(); } } bool cMusicManager::Initialise() { int pos; if (!IsInitialised()) { time_t timevalue = time(0); if (timevalue == -1) { pos = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(0); } else { tm *pTm = localtime(&timevalue); if (pTm->tm_sec == 0) pTm->tm_sec = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(0); if (pTm->tm_min == 0) pTm->tm_min = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(1); if (pTm->tm_hour == 0) pTm->tm_hour = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(2); if (pTm->tm_mday == 0) pTm->tm_mday = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(3); if (pTm->tm_mon == 0) pTm->tm_mon = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(4); if (pTm->tm_year == 0) pTm->tm_year = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(3); if (pTm->tm_wday == 0) pTm->tm_wday = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(2); pos = pTm->tm_yday * pTm->tm_wday * pTm->tm_year * pTm->tm_mon * pTm->tm_mday * pTm->tm_hour * pTm->tm_hour * pTm->tm_min * pTm->tm_min * pTm->tm_sec * pTm->tm_sec * pTm->tm_sec * pTm->tm_sec; } for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS; i++) { m_aTracks[i].m_nLength = SampleManager.GetStreamedFileLength(i); m_aTracks[i].m_nPosition = pos * AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(i % 5) % m_aTracks[i].m_nLength; m_aTracks[i].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); } m_bResetTimers = false; m_nResetTime = 0; m_nTimer = m_nLastTrackServiceTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); m_bDoTrackService = false; m_bIgnoreTimeDelay = false; m_bRadioSetByScript = false; m_nRadioStation = HEAD_RADIO; m_nRadioPosition = -1; m_nRadioInCar = NO_TRACK; gNumRetunePresses = 0; gRetuneCounter = 0; m_bIsInitialised = true; } return m_bIsInitialised; } void cMusicManager::Terminate() { if (!IsInitialised()) return; if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } m_bIsInitialised = false; } void cMusicManager::ChangeMusicMode(uint8 mode) { if (!IsInitialised()) return; uint8 mode2; switch (mode) { case MUSICMODE_FRONTEND: mode2 = MUSICMODE_FRONTEND; break; case MUSICMODE_GAME: mode2 = MUSICMODE_GAME; break; case MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE: mode2 = MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE; break; case MUSICMODE_DISABLE: mode2 = MUSICMODE_DISABLED; break; default: return; } if (mode2 != m_nMusicMode || mode == MUSICMODE_FRONTEND && mode2 == MUSICMODE_FRONTEND) { switch (mode) { case MUSICMODE_FRONTEND: case MUSICMODE_GAME: case MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE: case MUSICMODE_DISABLED: if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); } SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_bFrontendTrackFinished = false; m_bPlayInFrontend = false; m_bSetNextStation = false; m_bPreviousPlayerInCar = false; m_bPlayerInCar = false; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; m_nTimer = m_nLastTrackServiceTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); m_bDoTrackService = false; m_bIgnoreTimeDelay = true; m_bDontServiceAmbienceTrack = false; m_nMusicMode = mode2; break; default: return; } } } uint8 cMusicManager::GetRadioInCar(void) { if (!m_bIsInitialised) return HEAD_RADIO; if (PlayerInCar()) { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if (veh != nil){ if (UsesPoliceRadio(veh)) { if (m_nRadioInCar == NO_TRACK || (CReplay::IsPlayingBack() && AudioManager.m_nUserPause == 0)) return POLICE_RADIO; return m_nRadioInCar; } else return veh->m_nRadioStation; } } if (m_nRadioInCar == NO_TRACK || (CReplay::IsPlayingBack() && AudioManager.m_nUserPause == 0)) return RADIO_OFF; return m_nRadioInCar; } void cMusicManager::SetRadioInCar(uint32 station) { if (m_bIsInitialised) { if (!PlayerInCar()) { m_nRadioInCar = station; return; } CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if (veh == nil) return; if (UsesPoliceRadio(veh)) m_nRadioInCar = station; else veh->m_nRadioStation = station; } } void cMusicManager::SetRadioChannelByScript(uint8 station, int32 pos) { if (m_bIsInitialised && station < RADIO_OFF) { m_bRadioSetByScript = true; m_nRadioStation = station; m_nRadioPosition = pos == -1 ? -1 : pos % m_aTracks[station].m_nLength; } } void cMusicManager::ResetMusicAfterReload() { m_bRadioSetByScript = false; m_nRadioStation = 0; m_nRadioPosition = -1; m_nAnnouncement = NO_TRACK; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; m_bSetNextStation = false; gRetuneCounter = 0; gNumRetunePresses = 0; } void cMusicManager::ResetTimers(int32 time) { m_bResetTimers = true; m_nResetTime = time; } void cMusicManager::Service() { if (m_bResetTimers) { m_bResetTimers = false; m_nLastTrackServiceTime = m_nResetTime; } if (!m_bIsInitialised || m_bDisabled) return; if (m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(MAX_VOLUME, 63, 1, 0); return; } m_nTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); if (m_nTimer > (m_nLastTrackServiceTime + 2000) || m_bIgnoreTimeDelay) { m_bIgnoreTimeDelay = false; m_bDoTrackService = true; m_nLastTrackServiceTime = m_nTimer; } else m_bDoTrackService = false; if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound == NO_TRACK && SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); else switch (m_nMusicMode) { case MUSICMODE_FRONTEND: ServiceFrontEndMode(); break; case MUSICMODE_GAME: ServiceGameMode(); break; } } void cMusicManager::ServiceFrontEndMode() { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS) { if (m_bFrontendTrackFinished) { if (!SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { switch (m_nCurrentStreamedSound) { case STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_COMPLETED: if (!AudioManager.m_nUserPause) ChangeMusicMode(MUSICMODE_GAME); break; case STREAMED_SOUND_GAME_COMPLETED: ChangeMusicMode(MUSICMODE_GAME); break; default: break; } m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } } else if (bHasStarted) { if (!SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nCurrentStreamedSound, 0, 0); } else { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 0, 0); if (!SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nCurrentStreamedSound, m_nCurrentStreamedSound < STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_POLICE ? GetTrackStartPos(m_nCurrentStreamedSound) : 0, 0)) return; SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(100, 63, 0, 0); if (m_bPlayInFrontend) bHasStarted = true; else m_bFrontendTrackFinished = true; } } if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan((CPad::GetPad(0)->bDisplayNoControllerMessage || CPad::GetPad(0)->bObsoleteControllerMessage) ? 0 : 100, 63, 0, 0); } void cMusicManager::ServiceGameMode() { bool bRadioOff = false; static int8 nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = -1; uint8 volume; m_bPreviousPlayerInCar = m_bPlayerInCar; m_bPlayerInCar = PlayerInCar(); m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; if (m_bPlayerInCar) { if (FindPlayerPed() != nil && !FindPlayerPed()->DyingOrDead() && !CReplay::IsPlayingBack() && FindPlayerVehicle() != nil && !UsesPoliceRadio(FindPlayerVehicle())) { if (CPad::GetPad(0)->ChangeStationJustDown()) { gRetuneCounter = 30; gNumRetunePresses++; AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.m_nFrontEndEntity, SOUND_FRONTEND_RADIO_CHANGE, 1.0f); if (SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) { if (gNumRetunePresses > RADIO_OFF) gNumRetunePresses -= RADIO_OFF; } } #ifdef RADIO_SCROLL_TO_PREV_STATION else if(CPad::GetPad(0)->GetMouseWheelDownJustDown() || CPad::GetPad(0)->GetMouseWheelUpJustDown()) { int scrollNext = ControlsManager.GetControllerKeyAssociatedWithAction(VEHICLE_CHANGE_RADIO_STATION, MOUSE); int scrollPrev = scrollNext == rsMOUSEWHEELUPBUTTON ? rsMOUSEWHEELDOWNBUTTON : scrollNext == rsMOUSEWHEELDOWNBUTTON ? rsMOUSEWHEELUPBUTTON : -1; if (scrollPrev != -1 && !ControlsManager.IsAnyVehicleActionAssignedToMouseKey(scrollPrev)) { gRetuneCounter = 30; gNumRetunePresses--; AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.m_nFrontEndEntity, SOUND_FRONTEND_RADIO_CHANGE, 1.0f); } } #endif } } else { nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = -1; } if (AudioManager.m_nPreviousUserPause) m_bPreviousPlayerInCar = false; if (!m_bPlayerInCar) { if (m_bPreviousPlayerInCar) { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound != STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_POLICE) m_nRadioInCar = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; } ServiceAmbience(); return; } if (m_bPreviousPlayerInCar) { if (m_nAnnouncement < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS && (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT || m_bAnnouncementInProgress) && ServiceAnnouncement()) { if (m_bAnnouncementInProgress) { m_bSetNextStation = false; return; } m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = GetCarTuning(); } if (SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable() && m_nCurrentStreamedSound != STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER && ControlsManager.GetIsKeyboardKeyJustDown(rsF9)) { m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER; if (FindPlayerVehicle() != nil) FindPlayerVehicle()->m_nRadioStation = STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER; AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.m_nFrontEndEntity, SOUND_FRONTEND_RADIO_CHANGE, 1.0f); gRetuneCounter = 0; gNumRetunePresses = 0; m_bSetNextStation = false; } // Because when you switch radio back and forth, gNumRetunePresses will be 0 but gRetuneCounter won't. #ifdef RADIO_SCROLL_TO_PREV_STATION if (gRetuneCounter != 0) { if (gRetuneCounter > 1) gRetuneCounter--; else if (gRetuneCounter == 1) gRetuneCounter = -1; else if (gRetuneCounter == -1) { m_bSetNextStation = true; gRetuneCounter = 0; } } #else if (gNumRetunePresses) { if (gRetuneCounter != 0) gRetuneCounter--; else m_bSetNextStation = true; } #endif if (gRetuneCounter) AudioManager.DoPoliceRadioCrackle(); if (m_bSetNextStation) { m_bSetNextStation = false; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = GetNextCarTuning(); if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT || m_nCurrentStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT) bRadioOff = true; if (m_nPreviousStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT || m_nPreviousStreamedSound == STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT) AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.m_nFrontEndEntity, SOUND_FRONTEND_RADIO_CHANGE, 0.0f); } if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT) { if (ChangeRadioChannel()) { ServiceTrack(); } else { m_bPlayerInCar = false; if (FindPlayerVehicle()) FindPlayerVehicle()->m_nRadioStation = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } if (CTimer::GetIsSlowMotionActive()) { if (TheCamera.pTargetEntity != nil) { float DistToTargetSq = (TheCamera.pTargetEntity->GetPosition() - TheCamera.GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr(); if (DistToTargetSq >= SQR(55.0f)) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 0, 0); } else if (DistToTargetSq >= SQR(10.0f)) { volume = ((45.0f - (Sqrt(DistToTargetSq) - 10.0f)) / 45.0f * 100.0f); uint8 pan; if (AudioManager.ShouldDuckMissionAudio()) volume /= 4; if (volume > 0) { CVector panVec; AudioManager.TranslateEntity(&TheCamera.pTargetEntity->GetPosition(), &panVec); pan = AudioManager.ComputePan(55.0f, &panVec); } else { pan = 0; } if (gRetuneCounter) volume /= 4; SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(volume, pan, 0, 0); } else if (AudioManager.ShouldDuckMissionAudio()) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(25, 63, 0, 0); } else if (gRetuneCounter) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(25, 63, 0, 0); } else { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(100, 63, 0, 0); } } } else if (AudioManager.ShouldDuckMissionAudio()) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(25, 63, 0, 0); nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = 0; } else { if (nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded == -1) { volume = 100; } else if (nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded < 20) { nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded++; volume = 25; } else if (nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded < 40) { volume = 3 * (nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded - 20) + 25; nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded++; } else { nFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = -1; volume = 100; } if (gRetuneCounter != 0) volume /= 4; SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(volume, 63, 0, 0); } return; } if (bRadioOff) { m_nCurrentStreamedSound = m_nPreviousStreamedSound; if (FindPlayerVehicle() != nil) FindPlayerVehicle()->m_nRadioStation = RADIO_OFF; AudioManager.PlayOneShot(AudioManager.m_nFrontEndEntity, SOUND_FRONTEND_NO_RADIO, 0.0f); } ServiceAmbience(); return; } if (m_bRadioSetByScript) { if (UsesPoliceRadio(FindPlayerVehicle())) { m_nCurrentStreamedSound = STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_POLICE; } else { m_nCurrentStreamedSound = m_nRadioStation; if (FindPlayerVehicle()->m_nRadioStation == m_nCurrentStreamedSound) { m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 0, 0); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } if (m_nRadioPosition != -1) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = m_nRadioPosition; m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); } } } else { m_nCurrentStreamedSound = GetCarTuning(); } if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound >= RADIO_OFF) { ServiceAmbience(); return; } if (ChangeRadioChannel()) { if (m_bRadioSetByScript) { m_bRadioSetByScript = false; FindPlayerVehicle()->m_nRadioStation = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; } } else { m_bPlayerInCar = false; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } } void cMusicManager::StopFrontEndTrack() { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_FRONTEND && m_nCurrentStreamedSound != NO_TRACK) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); m_nPreviousStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } } void cMusicManager::PlayAnnouncement(uint8 announcement) { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && !m_bAnnouncementInProgress) m_nAnnouncement = announcement; } void cMusicManager::PlayFrontEndTrack(uint8 track, uint8 bPlayInFrontend) { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && track < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS) { if (m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_GAME) { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound != NO_TRACK) { if (m_bAnnouncementInProgress) { m_nAnnouncement = NO_TRACK; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; } m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); } SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } else if (m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_FRONTEND) { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound != NO_TRACK) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); } SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = track; m_bPlayInFrontend = !!bPlayInFrontend; m_bFrontendTrackFinished = false; m_bDoTrackService = true; bHasStarted = false; if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_POLICE) { gRetuneCounter = 0; gNumRetunePresses = 0; } } } void cMusicManager::PreloadCutSceneMusic(uint8 track) { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && track < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS && m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE) { AudioManager.ResetPoliceRadio(); while (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); SampleManager.PreloadStreamedFile(track, 0); SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(MAX_VOLUME, 63, 1, 0); m_nCurrentStreamedSound = track; } } void cMusicManager::PlayPreloadedCutSceneMusic(void) { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE) SampleManager.StartPreloadedStreamedFile(0); } void cMusicManager::StopCutSceneMusic(void) { if (IsInitialised() && !m_bDisabled && m_nMusicMode == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE) { SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } } uint32 cMusicManager::GetTrackStartPos(uint8 track) { uint32 pos = m_aTracks[track].m_nPosition; if (CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode() > m_aTracks[track].m_nLastPosCheckTimer) pos += Min(CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode() - m_aTracks[track].m_nLastPosCheckTimer, 90000); else m_aTracks[track].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); if (pos > m_aTracks[track].m_nLength) pos %= m_aTracks[track].m_nLength; return pos; } bool cMusicManager::UsesPoliceRadio(CVehicle *veh) { switch (veh->GetModelIndex()) { case MI_FBICAR: case MI_POLICE: case MI_ENFORCER: case MI_PREDATOR: case MI_RHINO: case MI_BARRACKS: return true; } return false; } void cMusicManager::ServiceAmbience() { uint8 volume; if (m_bAnnouncementInProgress) { m_nAnnouncement = NO_TRACK; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; } if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound < STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT) { if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; return; } m_nCurrentStreamedSound = STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT; } if (CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_WBState != WBSTATE_PLAYING && !SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; return; } m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = TheCamera.DistanceToWater <= 45.0f ? STREAMED_SOUND_WATER_AMBIENT : STREAMED_SOUND_CITY_AMBIENT; if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound == m_nPreviousStreamedSound) { ComputeAmbienceVol(false, volume); SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(volume, 63, 1, 0); if (m_bDontServiceAmbienceTrack) { if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) m_bDontServiceAmbienceTrack = false; } else ServiceTrack(); } else { if (m_nPreviousStreamedSound < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS) { m_aTracks[m_nPreviousStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nPreviousStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } uint32 pos = GetTrackStartPos(m_nCurrentStreamedSound); SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 1, 0); if (SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nCurrentStreamedSound, pos, 0)) { ComputeAmbienceVol(true, volume); SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(volume, 63, 1, 0); m_bDontServiceAmbienceTrack = true; } else m_nCurrentStreamedSound = NO_TRACK; } } void cMusicManager::ComputeAmbienceVol(uint8 reset, uint8 &outVolume) { static float fVol = 0.0f; if (reset) fVol = 0.0f; else if (fVol < 60.0f) fVol += 1.0f; if (TheCamera.DistanceToWater > 70.0f) outVolume = fVol; else if (TheCamera.DistanceToWater > 45.0f) outVolume = (TheCamera.DistanceToWater - 45.0f) / 25.0f * fVol; else if (TheCamera.DistanceToWater > 20.0f) outVolume = (45.0f - TheCamera.DistanceToWater) / 25.0f * fVol; else outVolume = fVol; } void cMusicManager::ServiceTrack() { if (m_bDoTrackService) { if (!SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nCurrentStreamedSound, 0, 0); } } bool cMusicManager::ServiceAnnouncement() { static int8 cCheck = 0; if (m_bAnnouncementInProgress) { if (!SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { m_nAnnouncement = NO_TRACK; m_bAnnouncementInProgress = false; } return true; } if (++cCheck >= 30) { cCheck = 0; int pos = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound != NO_TRACK) { m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nPosition = pos; m_aTracks[m_nCurrentStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } } SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 0, 0); if (SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nAnnouncement, 0, 0)) { SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(AudioManager.ShouldDuckMissionAudio() ? 25 : 100, 63, 0, 0); m_bAnnouncementInProgress = true; m_nPreviousStreamedSound = m_nCurrentStreamedSound; m_nCurrentStreamedSound = m_nAnnouncement; return true; } if (cCheck != 0) cCheck--; else cCheck = 30; return false; } return false; } uint8 cMusicManager::GetCarTuning() { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if (veh == nil) return RADIO_OFF; if (UsesPoliceRadio(veh)) return POLICE_RADIO; if (veh->m_nRadioStation == USERTRACK && !SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) veh->m_nRadioStation = AudioManager.GetRandomNumber(2) % USERTRACK; return veh->m_nRadioStation; } uint8 cMusicManager::GetNextCarTuning() { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if (veh == nil) return RADIO_OFF; if (UsesPoliceRadio(veh)) return POLICE_RADIO; if (gNumRetunePresses != 0) { #ifdef RADIO_SCROLL_TO_PREV_STATION if (gNumRetunePresses < 0) { while (gNumRetunePresses < 0) { if(veh->m_nRadioStation == HEAD_RADIO) { veh->m_nRadioStation = RADIO_OFF; } else if(veh->m_nRadioStation == RADIO_OFF || veh->m_nRadioStation == POLICE_RADIO) { veh->m_nRadioStation = SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable() ? USERTRACK : USERTRACK - 1; } else veh->m_nRadioStation--; ++gNumRetunePresses; } } else #endif if (SampleManager.IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable()) { if (veh->m_nRadioStation == RADIO_OFF) veh->m_nRadioStation = POLICE_RADIO; veh->m_nRadioStation += gNumRetunePresses; if (veh->m_nRadioStation == POLICE_RADIO) veh->m_nRadioStation = RADIO_OFF; else if (veh->m_nRadioStation > POLICE_RADIO) veh->m_nRadioStation -= RADIO_OFF; } else if (gNumRetunePresses + veh->m_nRadioStation >= USERTRACK) { while (gNumRetunePresses) { if (veh->m_nRadioStation == RADIO_OFF) veh->m_nRadioStation = HEAD_RADIO; else if (veh->m_nRadioStation < USERTRACK) ++veh->m_nRadioStation; if (veh->m_nRadioStation == USERTRACK) veh->m_nRadioStation = RADIO_OFF; --gNumRetunePresses; } } else veh->m_nRadioStation += gNumRetunePresses; gNumRetunePresses = 0; } return veh->m_nRadioStation; } bool cMusicManager::ChangeRadioChannel() { if (m_nCurrentStreamedSound != m_nPreviousStreamedSound) { if (m_nPreviousStreamedSound < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS) { m_aTracks[m_nPreviousStreamedSound].m_nPosition = SampleManager.GetStreamedFilePosition(0); m_aTracks[m_nPreviousStreamedSound].m_nLastPosCheckTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMillisecondsPauseMode(); SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(0, 63, 0, 0); SampleManager.StopStreamedFile(0); } if (SampleManager.IsStreamPlaying(0)) return false; if (!SampleManager.StartStreamedFile(m_nCurrentStreamedSound, GetTrackStartPos(m_nCurrentStreamedSound), 0)) return false; SampleManager.SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(AudioManager.ShouldDuckMissionAudio() ? 25 : 100, 63, 0, 0); } return true; }