#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "World.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Zones.h" eLevelName &CTheZones::m_CurrLevel = *(eLevelName*)0x8F2BC8; CZone *&CTheZones::m_pPlayersZone = *(CZone**)0x8F254C; int16 &CTheZones::FindIndex = *(int16*)0x95CC40; uint16 &CTheZones::NumberOfAudioZones = *(uint16*)0x95CC84; int16 *CTheZones::AudioZoneArray = (int16*)0x713BC0; uint16 &CTheZones::TotalNumberOfMapZones = *(uint16*)0x95CC74; uint16 &CTheZones::TotalNumberOfZones = *(uint16*)0x95CC36; CZone *CTheZones::ZoneArray = (CZone*)0x86BEE0; CZone *CTheZones::MapZoneArray = (CZone*)0x663EC0; uint16 &CTheZones::TotalNumberOfZoneInfos = *(uint16*)0x95CC3C; CZoneInfo *CTheZones::ZoneInfoArray = (CZoneInfo*)0x714400; #define SWAPF(a, b) { float t; t = a; a = b; b = t; } void CTheZones::Init(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMAUDIOZONES; i++) AudioZoneArray[i] = -1; NumberOfAudioZones = 0; CZoneInfo *zonei; int x = 1000/6; for(i = 0; i < 2*NUMZONES; i++){ zonei = &ZoneInfoArray[i]; zonei->carDensity = 10; zonei->carThreshold[0] = x; zonei->carThreshold[1] = zonei->carThreshold[0] + x; zonei->carThreshold[2] = zonei->carThreshold[1] + x; zonei->carThreshold[3] = zonei->carThreshold[2] + x; zonei->carThreshold[4] = zonei->carThreshold[3]; zonei->carThreshold[5] = zonei->carThreshold[4]; zonei->copThreshold = zonei->carThreshold[5] + x; zonei->gangThreshold[0] = zonei->copThreshold; zonei->gangThreshold[1] = zonei->gangThreshold[0]; zonei->gangThreshold[2] = zonei->gangThreshold[1]; zonei->gangThreshold[3] = zonei->gangThreshold[2]; zonei->gangThreshold[4] = zonei->gangThreshold[3]; zonei->gangThreshold[5] = zonei->gangThreshold[4]; zonei->gangThreshold[6] = zonei->gangThreshold[5]; zonei->gangThreshold[7] = zonei->gangThreshold[6]; zonei->gangThreshold[8] = zonei->gangThreshold[7]; } TotalNumberOfZoneInfos = 1; // why 1? for(i = 0; i < NUMZONES; i++) memset(&ZoneArray[i], 0, sizeof(CZone)); strcpy(ZoneArray[0].name, "CITYZON"); ZoneArray[0].minx = -4000.0f; ZoneArray[0].miny = -4000.0f; ZoneArray[0].minz = -500.0f; ZoneArray[0].maxx = 4000.0f; ZoneArray[0].maxy = 4000.0f; ZoneArray[0].maxz = 500.0f; ZoneArray[0].level = LEVEL_NONE; TotalNumberOfZones = 1; m_CurrLevel = LEVEL_NONE; m_pPlayersZone = &ZoneArray[0]; for(i = 0; i < NUMMAPZONES; i++){ memset(&MapZoneArray[i], 0, sizeof(CZone)); MapZoneArray[i].type = ZONE_MAPZONE; } strcpy(MapZoneArray[0].name, "THEMAP"); MapZoneArray[0].minx = -4000.0f; MapZoneArray[0].miny = -4000.0f; MapZoneArray[0].minz = -500.0f; MapZoneArray[0].maxx = 4000.0f; MapZoneArray[0].maxy = 4000.0f; MapZoneArray[0].maxz = 500.0f; MapZoneArray[0].level = LEVEL_NONE; TotalNumberOfMapZones = 1; } void CTheZones::Update(void) { CVector pos; FindPlayerCoors(pos); m_pPlayersZone = FindSmallestZonePosition(&pos); m_CurrLevel = GetLevelFromPosition(pos); } void CTheZones::CreateZone(char *name, eZoneType type, float minx, float miny, float minz, float maxx, float maxy, float maxz, eLevelName level) { CZone *zone; char *p; if(minx > maxx) SWAPF(minx, maxx); if(miny > maxy) SWAPF(miny, maxy); if(minz > maxz) SWAPF(minz, maxz); // make upper case for(p = name; *p; p++) if(islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p); // add zone zone = &ZoneArray[TotalNumberOfZones++]; strncpy(zone->name, name, 7); zone->name[7] = '\0'; zone->type = type; zone->minx = minx; zone->miny = miny; zone->minz = minz; zone->maxx = maxx; zone->maxy = maxy; zone->maxz = maxz; zone->level = level; if(type == ZONE_AUDIO || type == ZONE_TYPE1 || type == ZONE_TYPE2){ zone->zoneinfoDay = TotalNumberOfZoneInfos++; zone->zoneinfoNight = TotalNumberOfZoneInfos++; } } void CTheZones::CreateMapZone(char *name, eZoneType type, float minx, float miny, float minz, float maxx, float maxy, float maxz, eLevelName level) { CZone *zone; char *p; if(minx > maxx) SWAPF(minx, maxx); if(miny > maxy) SWAPF(miny, maxy); if(minz > maxz) SWAPF(minz, maxz); // make upper case for(p = name; *p; p++) if(islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p); // add zone zone = &MapZoneArray[TotalNumberOfMapZones++]; strncpy(zone->name, name, 7); zone->name[7] = '\0'; zone->type = type; zone->minx = minx; zone->miny = miny; zone->minz = minz; zone->maxx = maxx; zone->maxy = maxy; zone->maxz = maxz; zone->level = level; } void CTheZones::PostZoneCreation(void) { int i; for(i = 1; i < TotalNumberOfZones; i++) InsertZoneIntoZoneHierarchy(&ZoneArray[i]); InitialiseAudioZoneArray(); } void CTheZones::InsertZoneIntoZoneHierarchy(CZone *zone) { zone->child = nil; zone->parent = nil; zone->next = nil; InsertZoneIntoZoneHierRecursive(zone, &ZoneArray[0]); } bool CTheZones::InsertZoneIntoZoneHierRecursive(CZone *inner, CZone *outer) { int n; CZone *child, *next, *insert; // return false if inner was not inserted into outer if(outer == nil || !ZoneIsEntirelyContainedWithinOtherZone(inner, outer)) return false; // try to insert inner into children of outer for(child = outer->child; child; child = child->next) if(InsertZoneIntoZoneHierRecursive(inner, child)) return true; // insert inner as child of outer // count number of outer's children contained within inner n = 0; for(child = outer->child; child; child = child->next) if(ZoneIsEntirelyContainedWithinOtherZone(child, inner)) n++; inner->next = outer->child; inner->parent = outer; outer->child = inner; // move children from outer to inner if(n){ insert = inner; for(child = inner->next; child; child = next){ next = child->next; if(ZoneIsEntirelyContainedWithinOtherZone(child,inner)){ insert->next = child->next; child->parent = inner; child->next = inner->child; inner->child = child; }else insert = child; } } return true; } bool CTheZones::ZoneIsEntirelyContainedWithinOtherZone(CZone *inner, CZone *outer) { char tmp[100]; if(inner->minx < outer->minx || inner->maxx > outer->maxx || inner->miny < outer->miny || inner->maxy > outer->maxy || inner->minz < outer->minz || inner->maxz > outer->maxz){ CVector vmin(inner->minx, inner->miny, inner->minz); if(PointLiesWithinZone(vmin, outer)) sprintf(tmp, "Overlapping zones %s and %s\n", inner->name, outer->name); CVector vmax(inner->maxx, inner->maxy, inner->maxz); if(PointLiesWithinZone(vmax, outer)) sprintf(tmp, "Overlapping zones %s and %s\n", inner->name, outer->name); return false; } return true; } bool CTheZones::PointLiesWithinZone(const CVector &v, CZone *zone) { return zone->minx <= v.x && v.x <= zone->maxx && zone->miny <= v.y && v.y <= zone->maxy && zone->minz <= v.z && v.z <= zone->maxz; } eLevelName CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(CVector const &v) { int i; // char tmp[116]; // if(!PointLiesWithinZone(v, &MapZoneArray[0])) // sprintf(tmp, "x = %.3f y= %.3f z = %.3f\n", v.x, v.y, v.z); for(i = 1; i < TotalNumberOfMapZones; i++) if(PointLiesWithinZone(v, &MapZoneArray[i])) return MapZoneArray[i].level; return MapZoneArray[0].level; } CZone* CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePosition(const CVector *v) { CZone *best = &ZoneArray[0]; // zone to test next CZone *zone = ZoneArray[0].child; while(zone) // if in zone, descent into children if(PointLiesWithinZone(*v, zone)){ best = zone; zone = zone->child; // otherwise try next zone }else zone = zone->next; return best; } CZone* CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePositionType(const CVector *v, eZoneType type) { CZone *best = nil; if(ZoneArray[0].type == type) best = &ZoneArray[0]; // zone to test next CZone *zone = ZoneArray[0].child; while(zone) // if in zone, descent into children if(PointLiesWithinZone(*v, zone)){ if(zone->type == type) best = zone; zone = zone->child; // otherwise try next zone }else zone = zone->next; return best; } CZone* CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePositionILN(const CVector *v) { CZone *best = nil; if(ZoneArray[0].type == ZONE_AUDIO || ZoneArray[0].type == ZONE_TYPE1 || ZoneArray[0].type == ZONE_TYPE2) best = &ZoneArray[0]; // zone to test next CZone *zone = ZoneArray[0].child; while(zone) // if in zone, descent into children if(PointLiesWithinZone(*v, zone)){ if(zone->type == ZONE_AUDIO || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE1 || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE2) best = zone; zone = zone->child; // otherwise try next zone }else zone = zone->next; return best; } int16 CTheZones::FindZoneByLabelAndReturnIndex(char *name) { char str[8]; memset(str, 0, 8); strncpy(str, name, 8); for(FindIndex = 0; FindIndex < TotalNumberOfZones; FindIndex++) if(strcmp(GetZone(FindIndex)->name, name) == 0) return FindIndex; return -1; } CZoneInfo* CTheZones::GetZoneInfo(const CVector *v, uint8 day) { CZone *zone; zone = FindSmallestZonePositionILN(v); if(zone == nil) return &ZoneInfoArray[0]; return &ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight]; } void CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay(const CVector *pos, CZoneInfo *info) { CZoneInfo *day, *night; float d, n; day = GetZoneInfo(pos, 1); night = GetZoneInfo(pos, 0); if(CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(8, 19)) *info = *day; else if(CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(22, 5)) *info = *night; else{ if(CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(19, 22)){ n = (CClock::GetHours() - 19) / 3.0f; assert(n >= 0.0f && n <= 1.0f); d = n - 1.0f; }else{ d = (CClock::GetHours() - 5) / 3.0f; assert(d >= 0.0f && d <= 1.0f); n = d - 1.0f; } info->carDensity = day->carDensity * d + night->carDensity * n; info->carThreshold[0] = day->carThreshold[0] * d + night->carThreshold[0] * n; info->carThreshold[1] = day->carThreshold[1] * d + night->carThreshold[1] * n; info->carThreshold[2] = day->carThreshold[2] * d + night->carThreshold[2] * n; info->carThreshold[3] = day->carThreshold[3] * d + night->carThreshold[3] * n; info->carThreshold[4] = day->carThreshold[4] * d + night->carThreshold[4] * n; info->carThreshold[5] = day->carThreshold[5] * d + night->carThreshold[5] * n; info->copThreshold = day->copThreshold * d + night->copThreshold * n; info->gangThreshold[0] = day->gangThreshold[0] * d + night->gangThreshold[0] * n; info->gangThreshold[1] = day->gangThreshold[1] * d + night->gangThreshold[1] * n; info->gangThreshold[2] = day->gangThreshold[2] * d + night->gangThreshold[2] * n; info->gangThreshold[3] = day->gangThreshold[3] * d + night->gangThreshold[3] * n; info->gangThreshold[4] = day->gangThreshold[4] * d + night->gangThreshold[4] * n; info->gangThreshold[5] = day->gangThreshold[5] * d + night->gangThreshold[5] * n; info->gangThreshold[6] = day->gangThreshold[6] * d + night->gangThreshold[6] * n; info->gangThreshold[7] = day->gangThreshold[7] * d + night->gangThreshold[7] * n; info->gangThreshold[8] = day->gangThreshold[8] * d + night->gangThreshold[8] * n; info->pedDensity = day->pedDensity * d + night->pedDensity * n; info->copDensity = day->copDensity * d + night->copDensity * n; info->gangDensity[0] = day->gangDensity[0] * d + night->gangDensity[0] * n; info->gangDensity[1] = day->gangDensity[1] * d + night->gangDensity[1] * n; info->gangDensity[2] = day->gangDensity[2] * d + night->gangDensity[2] * n; info->gangDensity[3] = day->gangDensity[3] * d + night->gangDensity[3] * n; info->gangDensity[4] = day->gangDensity[4] * d + night->gangDensity[4] * n; info->gangDensity[5] = day->gangDensity[5] * d + night->gangDensity[5] * n; info->gangDensity[6] = day->gangDensity[6] * d + night->gangDensity[6] * n; info->gangDensity[7] = day->gangDensity[7] * d + night->gangDensity[7] * n; info->gangDensity[8] = day->gangDensity[8] * d + night->gangDensity[8] * n; } if(CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(5, 19)) info->pedGroup = day->pedGroup; else info->pedGroup = night->pedGroup; assert(info->carDensity >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[0] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[1] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[2] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[3] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[4] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[5] >= 0); assert(info->copThreshold >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[0] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[1] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[2] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[3] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[4] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[5] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[6] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[7] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[8] >= 0); } // BUG: there might be a bug somewhere in there that causes // thresholds to become negative so CCarCtrl::ChooseModel will hang void CTheZones::SetZoneCarInfo(uint16 zoneid, uint8 day, int16 carDensity, int16 gang0Num, int16 gang1Num, int16 gang2Num, int16 gang3Num, int16 gang4Num, int16 gang5Num, int16 gang6Num, int16 gang7Num, int16 gang8Num, int16 copNum, int16 car0Num, int16 car1Num, int16 car2Num, int16 car3Num, int16 car4Num, int16 car5Num) { CZone *zone; CZoneInfo *info; zone = GetZone(zoneid); info = &ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight]; if(carDensity != -1) info->carDensity = carDensity; int16 oldCar1Num = info->carThreshold[1] - info->carThreshold[0]; int16 oldCar2Num = info->carThreshold[2] - info->carThreshold[1]; int16 oldCar3Num = info->carThreshold[3] - info->carThreshold[2]; int16 oldCar4Num = info->carThreshold[4] - info->carThreshold[3]; int16 oldCar5Num = info->carThreshold[5] - info->carThreshold[4]; int16 oldCopNum = info->copThreshold - info->carThreshold[5]; int16 oldGang0Num = info->gangThreshold[0] - info->copThreshold; int16 oldGang1Num = info->gangThreshold[1] - info->gangThreshold[0]; int16 oldGang2Num = info->gangThreshold[2] - info->gangThreshold[1]; int16 oldGang3Num = info->gangThreshold[3] - info->gangThreshold[2]; int16 oldGang4Num = info->gangThreshold[4] - info->gangThreshold[3]; int16 oldGang5Num = info->gangThreshold[5] - info->gangThreshold[4]; int16 oldGang6Num = info->gangThreshold[6] - info->gangThreshold[5]; int16 oldGang7Num = info->gangThreshold[7] - info->gangThreshold[6]; int16 oldGang8Num = info->gangThreshold[8] - info->gangThreshold[7]; assert(oldCar1Num >= 0); assert(oldCar2Num >= 0); assert(oldCar3Num >= 0); assert(oldCar4Num >= 0); assert(oldCar5Num >= 0); assert(oldCopNum >= 0); assert(oldGang0Num >= 0); assert(oldGang1Num >= 0); assert(oldGang2Num >= 0); assert(oldGang3Num >= 0); assert(oldGang4Num >= 0); assert(oldGang5Num >= 0); assert(oldGang6Num >= 0); assert(oldGang7Num >= 0); assert(oldGang8Num >= 0); if(car0Num != -1) info->carThreshold[0] = car0Num; if(car1Num != -1) info->carThreshold[1] = info->carThreshold[0] + car1Num; else info->carThreshold[1] = info->carThreshold[0] + oldCar1Num; if(car2Num != -1) info->carThreshold[2] = info->carThreshold[1] + car2Num; else info->carThreshold[2] = info->carThreshold[1] + oldCar2Num; if(car3Num != -1) info->carThreshold[3] = info->carThreshold[2] + car3Num; else info->carThreshold[3] = info->carThreshold[2] + oldCar3Num; if(car4Num != -1) info->carThreshold[4] = info->carThreshold[3] + car4Num; else info->carThreshold[4] = info->carThreshold[3] + oldCar4Num; if(car5Num != -1) info->carThreshold[5] = info->carThreshold[4] + car5Num; else info->carThreshold[5] = info->carThreshold[4] + oldCar5Num; if(copNum != -1) info->copThreshold = info->carThreshold[5] + copNum; else info->copThreshold = info->carThreshold[5] + oldCopNum; if(gang0Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[0] = info->copThreshold + gang0Num; else info->gangThreshold[0] = info->copThreshold + oldGang0Num; if(gang1Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[1] = info->gangThreshold[0] + gang1Num; else info->gangThreshold[1] = info->gangThreshold[0] + oldGang1Num; if(gang2Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[2] = info->gangThreshold[1] + gang2Num; else info->gangThreshold[2] = info->gangThreshold[1] + oldGang2Num; if(gang3Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[3] = info->gangThreshold[2] + gang3Num; else info->gangThreshold[3] = info->gangThreshold[2] + oldGang3Num; if(gang4Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[4] = info->gangThreshold[3] + gang4Num; else info->gangThreshold[4] = info->gangThreshold[3] + oldGang4Num; if(gang5Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[5] = info->gangThreshold[4] + gang5Num; else info->gangThreshold[5] = info->gangThreshold[4] + oldGang5Num; if(gang6Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[6] = info->gangThreshold[5] + gang6Num; else info->gangThreshold[6] = info->gangThreshold[5] + oldGang6Num; if(gang7Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[7] = info->gangThreshold[6] + gang7Num; else info->gangThreshold[7] = info->gangThreshold[6] + oldGang7Num; if(gang8Num != -1) info->gangThreshold[8] = info->gangThreshold[7] + gang8Num; else info->gangThreshold[8] = info->gangThreshold[7] + oldGang8Num; assert(info->carDensity >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[0] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[1] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[2] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[3] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[4] >= 0); assert(info->carThreshold[5] >= 0); assert(info->copThreshold >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[0] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[1] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[2] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[3] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[4] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[5] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[6] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[7] >= 0); assert(info->gangThreshold[8] >= 0); } void CTheZones::SetZonePedInfo(uint16 zoneid, uint8 day, int16 pedDensity, int16 gang0Density, int16 gang1Density, int16 gang2Density, int16 gang3Density, int16 gang4Density, int16 gang5Density, int16 gang6Density, int16 gang7Density, int16 gang8Density, int16 copDensity) { CZone *zone; CZoneInfo *info; zone = GetZone(zoneid); info = &ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight]; if(pedDensity != -1) info->pedDensity = pedDensity; if(copDensity != -1) info->copDensity = copDensity; if(gang0Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[0] = gang0Density; if(gang1Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[1] = gang1Density; if(gang2Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[2] = gang2Density; if(gang3Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[3] = gang3Density; if(gang4Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[4] = gang4Density; if(gang5Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[5] = gang5Density; if(gang6Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[6] = gang6Density; if(gang7Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[7] = gang7Density; if(gang8Density != -1) info->gangThreshold[8] = gang8Density; } void CTheZones::SetCarDensity(uint16 zoneid, uint8 day, uint16 cardensity) { CZone *zone; zone = GetZone(zoneid); if(zone->type == ZONE_AUDIO || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE1 || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE2) ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight].carDensity = cardensity; } void CTheZones::SetPedDensity(uint16 zoneid, uint8 day, uint16 peddensity) { CZone *zone; zone = GetZone(zoneid); if(zone->type == ZONE_AUDIO || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE1 || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE2) ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight].pedDensity = peddensity; } void CTheZones::SetPedGroup(uint16 zoneid, uint8 day, uint16 pedgroup) { CZone *zone; zone = GetZone(zoneid); if(zone->type == ZONE_AUDIO || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE1 || zone->type == ZONE_TYPE2) ZoneInfoArray[day ? zone->zoneinfoDay : zone->zoneinfoNight].pedGroup = pedgroup; } int16 CTheZones::FindAudioZone(CVector *pos) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NumberOfAudioZones; i++) if(PointLiesWithinZone(*pos, GetZone(AudioZoneArray[i]))) return i; return -1; } eLevelName CTheZones::FindZoneForPoint(const CVector &pos) { if(PointLiesWithinZone(pos, GetZone(FindZoneByLabelAndReturnIndex("IND_ZON")))) return LEVEL_INDUSTRIAL; if(PointLiesWithinZone(pos, GetZone(FindZoneByLabelAndReturnIndex("COM_ZON")))) return LEVEL_COMMERCIAL; if(PointLiesWithinZone(pos, GetZone(FindZoneByLabelAndReturnIndex("SUB_ZON")))) return LEVEL_SUBURBAN; return LEVEL_NONE; } void CTheZones::AddZoneToAudioZoneArray(CZone *zone) { int i, z; if(zone->type != ZONE_AUDIO) return; /* This is a bit stupid */ z = -1; for(i = 0; i < NUMZONES; i++) if(&ZoneArray[i] == zone) z = i; AudioZoneArray[NumberOfAudioZones++] = z; } void CTheZones::InitialiseAudioZoneArray(void) { bool gonext; CZone *zone; gonext = false; zone = &ZoneArray[0]; // Go deep first, // set gonext when backing up a level to visit the next child while(zone) if(gonext){ AddZoneToAudioZoneArray(zone); if(zone->next){ gonext = false; zone = zone->next; }else zone = zone->parent; }else if(zone->child) zone = zone->child; else{ AddZoneToAudioZoneArray(zone); if(zone->next) zone = zone->next; else{ gonext = true; zone = zone->parent; } } } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x4B5DE0, CTheZones::Init, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B61D0, CTheZones::Update, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6210, CTheZones::CreateZone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6380, CTheZones::CreateMapZone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B64C0, CTheZones::PostZoneCreation, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6500, CTheZones::InsertZoneIntoZoneHierarchy, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6530, CTheZones::InsertZoneIntoZoneHierRecursive, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B65F0, CTheZones::ZoneIsEntirelyContainedWithinOtherZone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6710, CTheZones::PointLiesWithinZone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6910, CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B69B0, CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6790, CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePositionType, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6890, CTheZones::FindSmallestZonePositionILN, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6800, CTheZones::FindZoneByLabelAndReturnIndex, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6A10, CTheZones::GetZoneInfo, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6FB0, CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6A50, CTheZones::SetZoneCarInfo, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6DC0, CTheZones::SetZonePedInfo, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6EB0, CTheZones::SetCarDensity, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6F00, CTheZones::SetPedDensity, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B6F50, CTheZones::SetPedGroup, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B83E0, CTheZones::FindAudioZone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B8430, CTheZones::FindZoneForPoint, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B8340, CTheZones::AddZoneToAudioZoneArray, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B8380, CTheZones::InitialiseAudioZoneArray, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES