#pragma once #include "audio_enums.h" #include "AudioCollision.h" #include "PoliceRadio.h" #include "VehicleModelInfo.h" class tSound { public: int32 m_nEntityIndex; int32 m_nCounter; int32 m_nSampleIndex; uint8 m_nBankIndex; bool m_bIs2D; int32 m_nReleasingVolumeModificator; uint32 m_nFrequency; uint8 m_nVolume; float m_fDistance; int32 m_nLoopCount; int32 m_nLoopStart; int32 m_nLoopEnd; uint8 m_nEmittingVolume; float m_fSpeedMultiplier; float m_fSoundIntensity; bool m_bReleasingSoundFlag; CVector m_vecPos; bool m_bReverbFlag; uint8 m_nLoopsRemaining; bool m_bRequireReflection; // Used for oneshots uint8 m_nOffset; uint8 field_4C; int32 m_nReleasingVolumeDivider; bool m_bIsProcessed; bool m_bLoopEnded; int32 m_nCalculatedVolume; int8 m_nVolumeChange; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tSound, 96); class CPhysical; class CAutomobile; class tAudioEntity { public: eAudioType m_nType; void *m_pEntity; bool m_bIsUsed; uint8 m_nStatus; int16 m_awAudioEvent[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS]; float m_afVolume[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS]; uint8 m_AudioEvents; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tAudioEntity, 40); class tPedComment { public: int32 m_nSampleIndex; int32 m_nEntityIndex; CVector m_vecPos; float m_fDistance; uint8 m_bVolume; int8 m_nProcess; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedComment, 28); class cPedComments { public: tPedComment m_asPedComments[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS][NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nIndexMap[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS][NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nCommentsInBank[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS]; uint8 m_nActiveBank; bool m_bDelay; uint32 m_nDelayTimer; cPedComments() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS; i++) for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; j++) { m_asPedComments[j][i].m_nProcess = -1; m_nIndexMap[j][i] = NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS; } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; i++) m_nCommentsInBank[i] = 0; m_nActiveBank = 0; } void Add(tPedComment *com); // done void Process(); // done }; VALIDATE_SIZE(cPedComments, 1164); class CEntity; #define MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS (2) // So instead of doing cMissionAudio [2] they've added [2] to every field of the struct... // Only someone with a VERY EXTRAORDINARY mind could have come up with that class cMissionAudio { public: CVector m_vecPos[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; bool m_bPredefinedProperties[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; int32 m_nSampleIndex[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nLoadingStatus[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nPlayStatus[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; bool m_bIsPlaying[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; int32 m_nMissionAudioCounter[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; bool m_bIsPlayed[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; bool m_bIsMobile[MISSION_AUDIO_SLOTS]; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(cMissionAudio, 0x38); // name made up class cAudioScriptObjectManager { public: int32 m_anScriptObjectEntityIndices[NUM_SCRIPT_MAX_ENTITIES]; int32 m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal; cAudioScriptObjectManager() { m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal = 0; } ~cAudioScriptObjectManager() { m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal = 0; } }; class cTransmission; class CPlane; class CVehicle; class CPed; class cPedParams { public: bool m_bDistanceCalculated; float m_fDistance; CPed *m_pPed; }; class cVehicleParams { public: eVehicleType m_VehicleType; bool m_bDistanceCalculated; float m_fDistance; CVehicle *m_pVehicle; cTransmission *m_pTransmission; int32 m_nIndex; float m_fVelocityChange; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(cVehicleParams, 0x18); enum { REFLECTION_NORTH = 0, REFLECTION_SOUTH, REFLECTION_WEST, REFLECTION_EAST, REFLECTION_CEIL_NORTH, REFLECTION_CEIL_SOUTH, REFLECTION_CEIL_WEST, REFLECTION_CEIL_EAST, MAX_REFLECTIONS, }; class cAudioManager { public: bool m_bIsInitialised; uint8 field_1; // unused bool m_bFifthFrameFlag; uint8 m_nActiveSamples; uint8 field_4; // unused bool m_bDynamicAcousticModelingStatus; int8 field_6; float m_fSpeedOfSound; bool m_bTimerJustReset; int32 m_nTimer; tSound m_sQueueSample; uint8 m_nActiveSampleQueue; tSound m_asSamples[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS][NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_SLOTS]; uint8 m_abSampleQueueIndexTable[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS][NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_SLOTS]; uint8 m_SampleRequestQueuesStatus[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS]; tSound m_asActiveSamples[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_SLOTS]; tAudioEntity m_asAudioEntities[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES]; int32 m_anAudioEntityIndices[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES]; int32 m_nAudioEntitiesTotal; CVector m_avecReflectionsPos[NUM_AUDIO_REFLECTIONS]; float m_afReflectionsDistances[NUM_AUDIO_REFLECTIONS]; cAudioScriptObjectManager m_sAudioScriptObjectManager; // miami uint8 m_bIsPlayerShutUp; uint8 m_nPlayerMood; uint32 m_nPlayerMoodTimer; uint8 field_rest[4]; bool m_bGenericSfx; cPedComments m_sPedComments; int32 m_nFireAudioEntity; int32 m_nWaterCannonEntity; int32 m_nPoliceChannelEntity; cPoliceRadioQueue m_sPoliceRadioQueue; int32 m_nFrontEndEntity; int32 m_nCollisionEntity; cAudioCollisionManager m_sCollisionManager; int32 m_nProjectileEntity; #ifdef GTA_BRIDGE int32 m_nBridgeEntity; #endif int32 m_nEscalatorEntity; int32 m_nExtraSoundsEntity; cMissionAudio m_sMissionAudio; uint8 field_5538; // something related to phone dialogues int32 m_anRandomTable[5]; uint8 m_nTimeSpent; uint8 m_nUserPause; uint8 m_nPreviousUserPause; uint32 m_FrameCounter; cAudioManager(); ~cAudioManager(); // getters uint32 GetFrameCounter() const { return m_FrameCounter; } float GetReflectionsDistance(int32 idx) const { return m_afReflectionsDistances[idx]; } int32 GetRandomNumber(int32 idx) const { return m_anRandomTable[idx]; } int32 GetRandomNumberInRange(int32 idx, int32 low, int32 high) const { return (m_anRandomTable[idx] % (high - low + 1)) + low; } bool IsMissionAudioSamplePlaying(uint8 slot) const; // { return m_sMissionAudio.m_nPlayStatus == 1; } bool ShouldDuckMissionAudio(uint8 slot) const; // "Should" be in alphabetic order, except "getXTalkSfx" void AddDetailsToRequestedOrderList(uint8 sample); // done (inlined in vc) void AddPlayerCarSample(uint8 emittingVolume, int32 freq, uint32 sample, uint8 bank, uint8 counter, bool notLooping); // done void AddReflectionsToRequestedQueue(); // done void AddReleasingSounds(); // done void AddSampleToRequestedQueue(); // done void AgeCrimes(); // done (inlined in vc) void CalculateDistance(bool &condition, float dist); // done bool CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD() const; // done void ClearActiveSamples(); // done void ClearMissionAudio(uint8 slot); // done void ClearRequestedQueue(); // done (inlined in vc) uint32 ComputeDopplerEffectedFrequency(uint32 oldFreq, float position1, float position2, float speedMultiplier) const; // done int32 ComputePan(float, CVector *); // done uint8 ComputeVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float soundIntensity, float distance) const; // done int32 CreateEntity(eAudioType type, void *entity); // done void DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities(); // done ? I don't seed pEntity = nil; void DestroyEntity(int32 id); // done (inlined in vc) ? I not seen id checks void DoPoliceRadioCrackle(); // done // functions returning talk sfx, // order from GetPedCommentSfx int32 GetPlayerTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetCopTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetSwatTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetFBITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetArmyTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetMedicTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetFiremanTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetDefaultTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFORITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMORITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYBUTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYMDTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYCGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFYPRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHFOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMYAPTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHMOCATalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMODKTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYCRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFORITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYBUTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFYPRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBFOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYPITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBMYBBTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYCRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOSTTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFORITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYRITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMORITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOBETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYCWTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYGOTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFOGOTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOGOTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYLGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYLGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYBUTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYBUTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOBUTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYPRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOTRTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYPITalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMOCATalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYJGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYJGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYSKTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWMYSKTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYSHTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFOSHTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetJFOTOTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetJMOTOTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetCBTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetHNTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetSGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetCLTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetGDTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetBKTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetPGTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetVICETalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound, int16 model); int32 GetWFYG1TalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetWFYG2TalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); int32 GetGenericMaleTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); // todo names (inlined in vc) int32 GetGenericFemaleTalkSfx(CPed *ped, int16 sound); // todo names (inlined in vc) // end of functions returning talk sfx void GenerateIntegerRandomNumberTable(); char *Get3DProviderName(uint8 id) const; uint8 GetCDAudioDriveLetter() const; int8 GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() const; int8 AutoDetect3DProviders() const; // done float GetCollisionLoopingRatio(uint32 a, uint32 b, float c) const; // not used float GetCollisionOneShotRatio(int32 a, float b) const; float GetCollisionRatio(float a, float b, float c, float d) const; float GetDistanceSquared(const CVector &v) const; // done (inlined in vc) int32 GetJumboTaxiFreq() const; uint8 GetMissionAudioLoadingStatus(uint8 slot) const; // done int8 GetMissionScriptPoliceAudioPlayingStatus() const; uint8 GetNum3DProvidersAvailable() const; // done int32 GetPedCommentSfx(CPed *ped, int32 sound); void GetPhrase(int32 *phrase, int32 *prevPhrase, int32 sample, int32 maxOffset) const; float GetVehicleDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange); float GetVehicleNonDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange); bool HasAirBrakes(int32 model) const; // done void Initialise(); // done void InitialisePoliceRadio(); void InitialisePoliceRadioZones(); void InterrogateAudioEntities(); // done bool IsAudioInitialised() const; bool IsMissionAudioSampleFinished(uint8 slot); bool IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable() const; // done bool MissionScriptAudioUsesPoliceChannel(int32 soundMission) const; void PlayLoadedMissionAudio(uint8 slot); // done void PlayOneShot(int32 index, int16 sound, float vol); // done void PlaySuspectLastSeen(float x, float y, float z); // void PlayerJustGotInCar() const; // done void PlayerJustLeftCar() const; // done void PostInitialiseGameSpecificSetup(); // void PostTerminateGameSpecificShutdown(); // done void PreInitialiseGameSpecificSetup() const; // done void PreloadMissionAudio(uint8 slot, Const char *name); // done void PreTerminateGameSpecificShutdown(); // done /// processX - main logic of adding new sounds void ProcessActiveQueues(); //done bool ProcessAirBrakes(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessBoatEngine(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessBoatMovingOverWater(cVehicleParams *params); #ifdef GTA_BRIDGE void ProcessBridge(); void ProcessBridgeMotor(); void ProcessBridgeOneShots(); void ProcessBridgeWarning(); #endif bool ProcessCarBombTick(cVehicleParams *params); // done void ProcessCesna(cVehicleParams *params); // //void ProcessCrane(); // bool ProcessEngineDamage(cVehicleParams *params); // done void ProcessEntity(int32 sound); // done void ProcessExplosions(int32 explosion); // done void ProcessFireHydrant(); // done void ProcessFires(int32 entity); // void ProcessFrontEnd(); // done void ProcessGarages(); // void ProcessCarHeli(cVehicleParams* params); // done void ProcessVehicleFlatTyre(cVehicleParams* params); // done void ProcessJumbo(cVehicleParams *); // void ProcessJumboAccel(CPlane *plane); // void ProcessJumboDecel(CPlane *plane); // void ProcessJumboFlying(); // void ProcessJumboLanding(CPlane *plane); // void ProcessJumboTakeOff(CPlane *plane); // void ProcessJumboTaxi(); // void ProcessLoopingScriptObject(uint8 sound); // void ProcessMissionAudio(); // void ProcessMissionAudioSlot(uint8 slot); // void ProcessModelCarEngine(cVehicleParams *params); // void ProcessOneShotScriptObject(uint8 sound); // void ProcessPed(CPhysical *ped); // void ProcessPedOneShots(cPedParams *params); // void ProcessPhysical(int32 id); // done void ProcessPlane(cVehicleParams *params); // done void ProcessPlayersVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams *params, CVehicle* veh); // done void ProcessProjectiles(); // void ProcessRainOnVehicle(cVehicleParams *params); // void ProcessReverb() const; // bool ProcessReverseGear(cVehicleParams *params); // done void ProcessScriptObject(int32 id); // done void ProcessSpecial(); #ifdef GTA_TRAIN bool ProcessTrainNoise(cVehicleParams *params); #endif void ProcessVehicle(CVehicle *vehicle); //done, but need add model functions bool ProcessVehicleDoors(cVehicleParams *params); //done void ProcessVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams *params); //done void UpdateGasPedalAudio(CVehicle* veh, int vehType); //done void ProcessVehicleHorn(cVehicleParams *params); void ProcessVehicleOneShots(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessVehicleReverseWarning(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessVehicleRoadNoise(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessVehicleSirenOrAlarm(cVehicleParams *params); bool ProcessVehicleSkidding(cVehicleParams *params); void ProcessWaterCannon(int32); void ProcessWeather(int32 id); //done bool ProcessWetRoadNoise(cVehicleParams *params); void ProcessEscalators(); //done void ProcessExtraSounds(); //done int32 RandomDisplacement(uint32 seed) const; void ReacquireDigitalHandle() const; // done void ReleaseDigitalHandle() const; // done void ReportCollision(CEntity *entity1, CEntity *entity2, uint8 surface1, uint8 surface2, float collisionPower, float intensity2); // done void ReportCrime(eCrimeType crime, const CVector &pos); // done void ResetAudioLogicTimers(uint32 timer); void ResetPoliceRadio(); void ResetTimers(uint32 time); void Service(); void ServiceCollisions(); void ServicePoliceRadio(); void ServicePoliceRadioChannel(uint8 wantedLevel); void ServiceSoundEffects(); int8 SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 which); void SetDynamicAcousticModelingStatus(uint8 status); void SetEffectsFadeVol(uint8 volume) const; void SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 volume) const; void SetMP3BoostVolume(uint8 volume) const; void SetEntityStatus(int32 id, uint8 status); //done uint32 SetLoopingCollisionRequestedSfxFreqAndGetVol(const cAudioCollision &audioCollision); void SetMissionAudioLocation(uint8 slot, float x, float y, float z); void SetMissionScriptPoliceAudio(int32 sfx) const; void SetMonoMode(uint8 mono); void SetMusicFadeVol(uint8 volume) const; void SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 volume) const; void SetSpeakerConfig(int32 conf) const; void SetUpLoopingCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col, uint8 counter); void SetUpOneShotCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col); bool SetupCrimeReport(); bool SetupJumboEngineSound(uint8 vol, uint32 freq); bool SetupJumboFlySound(uint8 emittingVol); bool SetupJumboRumbleSound(uint8 emittingVol); bool SetupJumboTaxiSound(uint8 vol); bool SetupJumboWhineSound(uint8 emittingVol, uint32 freq); void SetupPedComments(cPedParams *params, uint32 sound); // done void SetupSuspectLastSeenReport(); void Terminate(); void TranslateEntity(Const CVector *v1, CVector *v2) const; void UpdateReflections(); bool UsesReverseWarning(int32 model) const; //done bool UsesSiren(int32 model) const; bool UsesSirenSwitching(int32 model) const; CVehicle *FindVehicleOfPlayer(); //done void SetPedTalkingStatus(CPed *ped, uint8 status); void SetPlayersMood(uint8 mood, uint32 time); #ifdef GTA_PC // only used in pc void AdjustSamplesVolume(); uint8 ComputeEmittingVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float intensity, float dist); #endif }; #ifdef AUDIO_MSS static_assert(sizeof(cAudioManager) == 0x5558, "cAudioManager: error"); #endif extern cAudioManager AudioManager;