#include "common.h" #include "rpworld.h" #include "Placeable.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Lights.h" #include "World.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "References.h" #include "TxdStore.h" #include "Zones.h" #include "patcher.h" int gBuildings; CEntity::CEntity(void) { m_type = ENTITY_TYPE_NOTHING; m_status = STATUS_ABANDONED; bUsesCollision = false; bCollisionProcessed = false; bIsStatic = false; bHasContacted = false; bPedPhysics = false; bIsStuck = false; bIsInSafePosition = false; bUseCollisionRecords = false; bWasPostponed = false; m_flagB2 = false; bIsVisible = true; bHasCollided = false; bRenderScorched = false; bHasBlip = false; bIsBIGBuilding = false; bRenderDamaged = false; bBulletProof = false; bFireProof = false; bCollisionProof = false; bMeleeProof = false; bOnlyDamagedByPlayer = false; bStreamingDontDelete = false; bZoneCulled = false; bZoneCulled2 = false; bRemoveFromWorld = false; bHasHitWall = false; bImBeingRendered = false; m_flagD8 = false; bIsSubway = false; bDrawLast = false; m_flagD40 = false; m_flagD80 = false; bDistanceFade = false; m_flagE2 = false; m_scanCode = 0; m_modelIndex = -1; m_rwObject = nil; m_randomSeed = rand(); m_pFirstReference = nil; } CEntity::~CEntity(void) { DeleteRwObject(); ResolveReferences(); } void CEntity::GetBoundCentre(CVector &out) { out = m_matrix * CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->GetColModel()->boundingSphere.center; }; bool CEntity::GetIsTouching(CVector const ¢er, float radius) { return sq(GetBoundRadius()+radius) > (GetBoundCentre()-center).MagnitudeSqr(); } bool CEntity::GetIsOnScreen(void) { return TheCamera.IsSphereVisible(GetBoundCentre(), GetBoundRadius(), &TheCamera.GetCameraMatrix()); } bool CEntity::GetIsOnScreenComplex(void) { RwV3d boundBox[8]; if(TheCamera.IsPointVisible(GetBoundCentre(), &TheCamera.GetCameraMatrix())) return true; CRect rect = GetBoundRect(); CColModel *colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->GetColModel(); float z = GetPosition().z; float minz = z + colmodel->boundingBox.min.z; float maxz = z + colmodel->boundingBox.max.z; boundBox[0].x = rect.left; boundBox[0].y = rect.bottom; boundBox[0].z = minz; boundBox[1].x = rect.left; boundBox[1].y = rect.top; boundBox[1].z = minz; boundBox[2].x = rect.right; boundBox[2].y = rect.bottom; boundBox[2].z = minz; boundBox[3].x = rect.right; boundBox[3].y = rect.top; boundBox[3].z = minz; boundBox[4].x = rect.left; boundBox[4].y = rect.bottom; boundBox[4].z = maxz; boundBox[5].x = rect.left; boundBox[5].y = rect.top; boundBox[5].z = maxz; boundBox[6].x = rect.right; boundBox[6].y = rect.bottom; boundBox[6].z = maxz; boundBox[7].x = rect.right; boundBox[7].y = rect.top; boundBox[7].z = maxz; return TheCamera.IsBoxVisible(boundBox, &TheCamera.GetCameraMatrix()); } void CEntity::Add(void) { int x, xstart, xmid, xend; int y, ystart, ymid, yend; CSector *s; CPtrList *list; CRect bounds = GetBoundRect(); xstart = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(bounds.left); xend = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(bounds.right); xmid = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX((bounds.left + bounds.right)/2.0f); ystart = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(bounds.top); yend = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(bounds.bottom); ymid = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY((bounds.top + bounds.bottom)/2.0f); assert(xstart >= 0); assert(xend < NUMSECTORS_X); assert(ystart >= 0); assert(yend < NUMSECTORS_Y); for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++){ s = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(x == xmid && y == ymid) switch(m_type){ case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]; break; }else switch(m_type){ case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP]; break; } list->InsertItem(this); } } void CEntity::Remove(void) { int x, xstart, xmid, xend; int y, ystart, ymid, yend; CSector *s; CPtrList *list; CRect bounds = GetBoundRect(); xstart = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(bounds.left); xend = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(bounds.right); xmid = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX((bounds.left + bounds.right)/2.0f); ystart = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(bounds.top); yend = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(bounds.bottom); ymid = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY((bounds.top + bounds.bottom)/2.0f); assert(xstart >= 0); assert(xend < NUMSECTORS_X); assert(ystart >= 0); assert(yend < NUMSECTORS_Y); for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++){ s = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(x == xmid && y == ymid) switch(m_type){ case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]; break; }else switch(m_type){ case ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP]; break; case ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY: list = &s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP]; break; } list->RemoveItem(this); } } void CEntity::CreateRwObject(void) { CBaseModelInfo *mi; mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex); m_rwObject = mi->CreateInstance(); if(m_rwObject){ if(IsBuilding()) gBuildings++; if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) m_matrix.AttachRW(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpAtomicGetFrame(m_rwObject)), false); else if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP) m_matrix.AttachRW(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpClumpGetFrame(m_rwObject)), false); mi->AddRef(); } } void CEntity::DeleteRwObject(void) { RwFrame *f; m_matrix.Detach(); if(m_rwObject){ if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC){ f = RpAtomicGetFrame(m_rwObject); RpAtomicDestroy((RpAtomic*)m_rwObject); RwFrameDestroy(f); }else if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP) RpClumpDestroy((RpClump*)m_rwObject); m_rwObject = nil; CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->RemoveRef(); if(IsBuilding()) gBuildings--; } } void CEntity::UpdateRwFrame(void) { if(m_rwObject){ if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) RwFrameUpdateObjects(RpAtomicGetFrame(m_rwObject)); else if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP) RwFrameUpdateObjects(RpClumpGetFrame(m_rwObject)); } } void CEntity::SetupBigBuilding(void) { CSimpleModelInfo *mi; mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex); bIsBIGBuilding = true; bStreamingDontDelete = true; bUsesCollision = false; m_level = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(GetPosition()); if(m_level == LEVEL_NONE){ if(mi->GetTxdSlot() != CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("generic")){ mi->SetTexDictionary("generic"); printf("%d:%s txd has been set to generic\n", m_modelIndex, mi->GetName()); } } if(mi->m_lodDistances[0] > 2000.0f) m_level = LEVEL_NONE; } CRect CEntity::GetBoundRect(void) { CRect rect; CVector v; CColModel *col = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->GetColModel(); rect.ContainPoint(m_matrix * col->boundingBox.min); rect.ContainPoint(m_matrix * col->boundingBox.max); v = col->boundingBox.min; v.x = col->boundingBox.max.x; rect.ContainPoint(m_matrix * v); v = col->boundingBox.max; v.x = col->boundingBox.min.x; rect.ContainPoint(m_matrix * v); return rect; } WRAPPER void CEntity::PreRender(void) { EAXJMP(0x474350); } void CEntity::Render(void) { if(m_rwObject){ bImBeingRendered = true; if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) RpAtomicRender((RpAtomic*)m_rwObject); else RpClumpRender((RpClump*)m_rwObject); bImBeingRendered = false; } } bool CEntity::SetupLighting(void) { DeActivateDirectional(); SetAmbientColours(); return false; } void CEntity::AttachToRwObject(RwObject *obj) { m_rwObject = obj; if(m_rwObject){ if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC) m_matrix.Attach(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpAtomicGetFrame(m_rwObject)), false); else if(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP) m_matrix.Attach(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpClumpGetFrame(m_rwObject)), false); CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->AddRef(); } } void CEntity::DetachFromRwObject(void) { if(m_rwObject) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->RemoveRef(); m_rwObject = nil; m_matrix.Detach(); } void CEntity::RegisterReference(CEntity **pent) { if(IsBuilding()) return; CReference *ref; // check if already registered for(ref = m_pFirstReference; ref; ref = ref->next) if(ref->pentity == pent) return; // have to allocate new reference ref = CReferences::pEmptyList; if(ref){ CReferences::pEmptyList = ref->next; ref->pentity = pent; ref->next = m_pFirstReference; m_pFirstReference = ref; return; } return; } // Clear all references to this entity void CEntity::ResolveReferences(void) { CReference *ref; // clear pointers to this entity for(ref = m_pFirstReference; ref; ref = ref->next) if(*ref->pentity == this) *ref->pentity = nil; // free list if(m_pFirstReference){ for(ref = m_pFirstReference; ref->next; ref = ref->next) ; ref->next = CReferences::pEmptyList; CReferences::pEmptyList = ref; m_pFirstReference = nil; } } // Free all references that no longer point to this entity void CEntity::PruneReferences(void) { CReference *ref, *next, **lastnextp; lastnextp = &m_pFirstReference; for(ref = m_pFirstReference; ref; ref = next){ next = ref->next; if(*ref->pentity == this) lastnextp = &ref->next; else{ *lastnextp = ref->next; ref->next = CReferences::pEmptyList; CReferences::pEmptyList = ref; } } } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x473C30, &CEntity::ctor, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473E40, &CEntity::dtor, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473E70, &CEntity::SetModelIndex_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4742C0, (void (CEntity::*)(CVector&))&CEntity::GetBoundCentre, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474310, &CEntity::GetBoundRadius, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474C10, &CEntity::GetIsTouching, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474CC0, &CEntity::GetIsOnScreen, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474D20, &CEntity::GetIsOnScreenComplex, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474CA0, &CEntity::IsVisible, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474330, &CEntity::UpdateRwFrame, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4755E0, &CEntity::SetupBigBuilding, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A7480, &CEntity::RegisterReference, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A74E0, &CEntity::ResolveReferences, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A7530, &CEntity::PruneReferences, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473F10, &CEntity::AttachToRwObject, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473F60, &CEntity::DetachFromRwObject, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x475080, &CEntity::Add_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x475310, &CEntity::Remove_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473EA0, &CEntity::CreateRwObject_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x473F90, &CEntity::DeleteRwObject_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474000, &CEntity::GetBoundRect_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x474BD0, &CEntity::Render_, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4A7C60, &CEntity::SetupLighting_, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES