crt0mega 617a218e13
Added ge-tool script
2021-07-28 11:24:43 +02:00
ge-tool Added ge-tool script 2021-07-28 11:24:43 +02:00 Added ge-tool script 2021-07-28 11:24:43 +02:00

Usage of tools in proton/


Running ge-tool will download the most recent release of proton-ge-custom from github and extract it automatically in compatibilitytools.d. It also keeps track of the latest downloaded release.

For configuring, you may change the default values in the script itself or add a custom ~/.config/ge-tool/config file with the following content:

declare COMPAT_DIR="$HOME/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d"
declare REL_URL=""
declare GITHUB_TOKEN="<your github token>"

You can create your own GitHub token here.