2021-07-22 23:21:31 +02:00

14 KiB

Records extracted by mvt-ios

In this page you can find a (reasonably) up-to-date breakdown of the files created by MVT when performing an analysis of logs, backups or filesystem dumps.

Records extracted by check-fs or check-backup


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' CacheFiles module. The module extracts records from all SQLite database files stored on disk with the name Cache.db. These databases typically contain data from iOS' internal URL caching. Through this module you might be able to recover records of HTTP requests and responses performed my applications as well as system services, that would otherwise be unavailable. For example, you might see HTTP requests part of an exploitation chain performed by an iOS service attempting to download a first stage malicious payload.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the requested URL. Any matches are stored in cache_files_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' Calls module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Library/CallHistoryDB/CallHistory.storedata, which contains records of incoming and outgoing calls, including from messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Skype.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' ChromeFavicon module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Favicons, which contains a mapping of favicons' URLs and the visited URLs which loaded them.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against both the favicon URL and the visited URL. Any matches are stored in chrome_favicon_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' ChromeHistory module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History, which contains a history of URL visits.

If indicators a provided through the command-line, they are checked against the visited URL. Any matches are stored in chrome_history_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' Contacts module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb, which contains records from the phone's address book. While this database obviously would not contain any malicious indicators per se, you might want to use it to compare records from other apps (such as iMessage, SMS, etc.) to filter those originating from unknown origins.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' FirefoxFavicon module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/profile.profile/browser.db, which contains a mapping of favicons' URLs and the visited URLs which loaded them.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against both the favicon URL and the visited URL. Any matches are stored in firefox_favicon_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' FirefoxHistory module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/profile.profile/browser.db, which contains a history of URL visits.

If indicators a provided through the command-line, they are checked against the visited URL. Any matches are stored in firefox_history_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' IDStatusCache module. The module extracts records from a plist file located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/, which contains a cache of Apple user ID authentication. This chance will indicate when apps like Facetime and iMessage first established contacts with other registered Apple IDs. This is significant because it might contain traces of malicious accounts involved in exploitation of those apps.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' InteractionC module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Library/CoreDuet/People/interactionC.db, which contains details about user interactions with installed apps.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' LocationdClients module. The module extracts records from a plist file located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/locationd/clients.plist, which contains a cache of apps which requested access to location services.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-close:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' Manifest module. The module extracts records from the SQLite database Manifest.db contained in iTunes backups, and which indexes the locally backed-up files to the original paths on the iOS device.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the original relative path in case. In some cases, there might be records of files created containing a domain name in their name, for example in the case of browser cache folders. Any matches are stored in manifest_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' Datausage module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located /private/var/wireless/Library/Databases/DataUsage.sqlite, which contains a history of data usage by processes running on the system. Besides the network statistics, these records are particularly important because they might show traces of malicious process executions and the relevant timeframe. In particular, processes which do not have a valid bundle ID might require particular attention.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the process names. Any matches are stored in datausage_detected.json. If running on a full filesystem dump and if the --fast flag was not enabled by command-line, mvt-ios will highlight processes which look suspicious and check the presence of a binary file of the same name in the dump.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' Netusage module. The module extracts records from a SQLite database located /private/var/networkd/netusage.sqlite, which contains a history of data usage by processes running on the system. Besides the network statistics, these records are particularly important because they might show traces of malicious process executions and the relevant timeframe. In particular, processes which do not have a valid bundle ID might require particular attention.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the process names. Any matches are stored in netusage_detected.json. If running on a full filesystem dump and if the --fast flag was not enabled by command-line, mvt-ios will highlight processes which look suspicious and check the presence of a binary file of the same name in the dump.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' SafariBrowserState module. The module extracts records from the SQLite databases located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Safari/BrowserState.db or /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/Safari/BrowserState.db, which contain records of opened tabs.

If indicators a provided through the command-line, they are checked against the visited URL. Any matches are stored in safari_browser_state_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' SafariFavicon module. The module extracts records from the SQLite databases located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Image Cache/Favicons/Favicons.db or /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/Image Cache/Favicons/Favicons.db, which contain mappings of favicons' URLs and the visited URLs which loaded them.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against both the favicon URL and the visited URL. Any matches are stored in safari_favicon_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' SafariHistory module. The module extracts records from the SQLite databases located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Safari/History.db or /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/Safari/History.db, which contain a history of URL visits.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the visited URL. Any matches are stored in safari_history_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' SMS module. The module extracts a list of SMS messages containing HTTP links from the SQLite database located at /private/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extracted HTTP links. Any matches are stored in sms_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' SMSAttachments module. The module extracts details about attachments sent via SMS or iMessage from the same database used by the SMS module. These records might be useful to indicate unique patterns that might be indicative of exploitation attempts leveraging potential vulnerabilities in file format parsers or other forms of file handling by the Messages app.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' IOSVersionHistory module. The module extracts records of iOS software updates from analytics plist files located at /private/var/db/analyticsd/Analytics-Journal-*.ips.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' WebkitIndexedDB module. The module extracts a list of file and folder names located at the following path /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/IndexedDB, which contains IndexedDB files created by any app installed on the device.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extracted names. Any matches are stored in webkit_indexeddb_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' WebkitLocalStorage module. The module extracts a list of file and folder names located at the following path /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/Library/WebKit/WebsiteData/LocalStorage/, which contains local storage files created by any app installed on the device.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extracted names. Any matches are stored in webkit_local_storage_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-close: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' WebkitSafariViewService module. The module extracts a list of file and folder names located at the following path /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/*/SystemData/, which contains files cached by SafariVewService.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extracted names. Any matches are stored in webkit_safari_view_service_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' WebkitSessionResourceLog module. The module extracts records from plist files with the name full_browsing_session_resourceLog.plist, which contain records of resources loaded by different domains visited.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extract domains. Any matches are stored in webkit_session_resource_log_detected.json.


!!! info "Availability" Backup: :material-check: Full filesystem dump: :material-check:

This JSON file is created by mvt-ios' WhatsApp module. The module extracts a list of WhatsApp messages containing HTTP links from the SQLite database located at private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/*/ChatStorage.sqlite.

If indicators are provided through the command-line, they are checked against the extracted HTTP links. Any matches are stored in whatsapp_detected.json.